Yay :) part 2

So, i finally got a Blizzard Employeer to finally help me get my First ever WoW account back. It took some convincing, and they finally gave it back to me.
A level 26 rogue with, Butcher's Slicer and Seal of Sylvanas and blackened defias honor.

An Old level 2 "twink" with leg armor :p. Yeah, I was pro.

a random level 20 with Ring of Eluding.. and decent gear.

A level 19 priest with talbur mantle. I'm really sad i was too bad to get Seal of the Wrynn.. :(

And last, my hunter. Tunic of Westfall, and again.. Too bad to get Seal of the Wrynn.
No real section to put it in, they're all different levels

cept maybe general twinks section
Nice going getting your accounts back, too bad on those GFed items :(
I didn't remember my email address, nor the account name. So 3 of them said I couldn't do anything, but this guy said he could get the account back if I gave him the name of the character. And i remember twinkertots, but thats it :p

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