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  1. Salce

    Does Herb/Skinning Glitch Still Work?

    Does Herb/Skinning Glitch Still Work?
  2. Salce

    How Viable will Resto Shaman Be in MoP? And What Will Be Considered BiS?

    Assuming hit won't be needed for WS.
  3. Salce

    How Viable will Resto Shaman Be in MoP? And What Will Be Considered BiS?

    Yea my bad, modified OP to consider Shamans losing ES for HS and gaining defensive dispel. Still there is a question of how effective HS will be at 19 considering RShamans have lagged in healing effectiveness at other twink brackets compared to Pallies/Priests.
  4. Salce

    How Viable will Resto Shaman Be in MoP? And What Will Be Considered BiS?

    Even though Resto Shamans will get Riptide how viable will they be in MoP considering their healing effectiveness at 29/39 has lagged behind pallies and priests in terms of effectiveness even with riptide. Here is a quick list of what I've sketched out as BiS let me know if anything here needs...
  5. Salce

    BOA Leg Stats

    Only thing I can think of that would stop them from eventually having us go full BOA is if enough people QQ in the XP ON bgs about players bursting kids with full BOAs which happens now. If they really wanted to reduce the leveling time from 1-90 they could do it with the amount of xp required...
  6. Salce

    Lvl 15-19 Bracket Channel?

    Good idea for Bleeding Hollow
  7. Salce

    Should the bracket move away from Bleeding Hollow?

    It's one of the better servers in the Ruin Battlegroup, I wouldn't say it has a lot of high rated players there are going to be other servers in other Battlegroups that will have a lot more glads but then those servers will also be unbalanced A/H Ratio and over populated so depends on what your...
  8. Salce

    Should the bracket move away from Bleeding Hollow?

    BH also offers a very healthy PVP Realm with near 50/50 Alliance/Horde Ratio at end game for those interested in taking a break from 19s and do some world PVP on their mains. It's also a PVP realm where it maybe easier to find end game arena partners vs. say low population PVE/RP realm where you...
  9. Salce

    BOA Leg Stats

    So does that mean the new BOA Mail legs will have: 6str 10stam 4hit 4crit ? If so that makes Goblin Mail Leggings obsolete no?
  10. Salce

    BOA Leg Stats

    Anyone know what the stats will be for 19s on the BOA legs? I'm wondering if anyone that has access to beta can give us this info if the BOA vendor is currently available on beta.
  11. Salce

    How to Keep the Bracket From Crashing

    Don't lie, you know people don't leave the game.
  12. Salce

    TI hottest topic!

    It could just mean people were bored and decided to click on something, I for one did not vote in the poll because it was missing some people I felt should have been listed.
  13. Salce

    Please add Positive/Negative Reputation Feature to Forums

    Honestly I don't think the concerns you point out are going to end up being warranted, it may just be a painted picture of something that may end up not even being an issue depending on how the system is implemented. Think about it this way, we can start with a positive/negative implementation...
  14. Salce

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*
  15. Salce

    Please add Positive/Negative Reputation Feature to Forums

    Although I agree in some cases drama could be generated by someone giving someone else negative rep, the idea that there is positive and negative reinforcement or consequences to how people behave on the forum, and it translates to how the community or peers perceive that person is kind of the...
  16. Salce

    Please add Positive/Negative Reputation Feature to Forums

    There are a number of settings that can be used to deal with the concerns you guys have regarding abuse, again this isn't the first site that would have this type of system set up. If you have concerns using a reputation type of system, I would imagine those concerns have probably already been...
  17. Salce

    Faction Changing Shaman (Horde -> Alliance) What Gear? And Should I Wait?

    Hmm good point, although haven't heard from anyone on beta talking about new gear yet from the panda starting area? I'm assuming they are going to have a new starting area like Goblins, BE and Draenie did. I guess the question is would that area be accessible and if it is, is there any gear in...
  18. Salce

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

    Farming gets boring after it loses it's luster, not as much fun as a competitive game.
  19. Salce

    Faction Changing Shaman (Horde -> Alliance) What Gear? And Should I Wait?

    I tried this, couldn't find any.