Faction Changing Shaman (Horde -> Alliance) What Gear? And Should I Wait?


What gear should I get on a Shaman from Horde before faction changing over to Alliance?

Also should I wait until a grandfathered list comes out or do we know pretty much anything that will be grandfathered going into MoP right now?
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Get RFC loot and quest, Stilwater Signet, Argas, Talrendis shield, Acquisition bracers, Merger boots, Garrosh pardon, Shield of the barrens, Wild rider gloves...

I probably forgot something, but here are a few.

These are the things I didn't have so your suggestion helped me. :)

1. Stilwater Signet
2. Shield of the barrens
3. Wild Rider Gloves

One question, what RFC loot should I try to get? I'm guessing crystaline cuffs, trying to think what else is in there for shaman, also appreciate if anyone else has gear suggestion on the horde side before faction changing.

As far as on the alliance side aside from the Argas ring is there anything I should try to get?

Thanks again
The way I see it, not many items will be grandfathered. Cataclysm was an entire make over of levelling areas, whereas MoP is not. The few areas that are having changes made to them, like RFC, is where people should show concern about GF'd items.

I say we should deal with MoP the same way as BC ---> WotLK as opposed to the WotLK ---> Cataclysm approach that many players are taking (which seems to be making players waste alot of money on faction changes).

P.S. Yes, I know there was no faction changing in BC. Nonetheless, my point still stands.
If you want a detailed list- just search something like "faction changing, what items to get". I'm sure there are a lot of good ones
You should wait for MoP release. That way you will not miss any gear that may become desired which isn't already :p

Hmm good point, although haven't heard from anyone on beta talking about new gear yet from the panda starting area? I'm assuming they are going to have a new starting area like Goblins, BE and Draenie did. I guess the question is would that area be accessible and if it is, is there any gear in Beta we should be thinking about? If not what are the chances new gear gets added once the game gets closer to release.

Kind of wanted to do the faction change sooner rather than later so I have an alliance twink to play on for now but also cause I have the money to splurge now on this. :) But you make a good point though, something to consider.
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Hmm good point, although haven't heard from anyone on beta talking about new gear yet from the panda starting area? I'm assuming they are going to have a new starting area like Goblins, BE and Draenie did. I guess the question is would that area be accessible and if it is, is there any gear in Beta we should be thinking about? If not what are the chances new gear gets added once the game gets closer to release.

Pandaren leave their starting area at around level 10, from there on they continue in already existing areas.
The chances of new bis gear is very low, but I would still rather play it safe. Also don't forget possibly new xmog gear and chances are the pandaren zones won't be accessible. I just would hate to see you waste your money and have to pay another 70 dollars as opposed to waiting for a few months 0:)

If you have the money now though, do what would make you more happy. I just personally would not find it worth doing this late in an expansion!
Also, a lot of people forget about this, but the Shadowfang keep quest can be completed two times. Once on alliance and once on horde.
Hmm good point, although haven't heard from anyone on beta talking about new gear yet from the panda starting area? I'm assuming they are going to have a new starting area like Goblins, BE and Draenie did. I guess the question is would that area be accessible and if it is, is there any gear in Beta we should be thinking about? If not what are the chances new gear gets added once the game gets closer to release.

Kind of wanted to do the faction change sooner rather than later so I have an alliance twink to play on for now but also cause I have the money to splurge now on this. :) But you make a good point though, something to consider.

I'd do it now. MoP is not for months, and the chance of missing out on gear is extremely low.

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