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  1. Staves

    Real IDS please!! I can set up games !!

    Iime#1267 (iime, not Lime)
  2. Staves

    39's discussing changing que times to 8pm est, thoughts ppl!

    I don't see why someone wouldn't like it, it's only pushing it earlier. More time for games. BRING IT ON, I say!
  3. Staves

    39's be popping.. 8pm est weds

    Almost finished gearing my Orc resto/ele sham. Hope to be in for next wednesday! *crosses fingers*
  4. Staves

    Bracket status?

    Hybrid classes are topping everything.
  5. Staves

    Possible 10 man PvE team (level 10)

    Sorry for not posting this earlier, still trying to co-ordinate the start of this group. I've been locked up on bank accounts, so I cannot transfer my character to alliance until mid next year. However, I am unsure of whether the co-twinker that was helping me would like to step up. I'll contact...
  6. Staves

    Class to roll?

    I'm considering joining this bracket again after a MASSIVE break. However, I have no idea which class to roll... I was thinking enhancement shaman, are they viable anymore? That was what my old 39 was and I'd love to re-roll him. :) I'm up for any suggestions. Does faction matter? Is there a...
  7. Staves

    Ret- PvP Power vs. Str gem
  8. Staves

    Caster class?

    Hello fellow twinkers. I am interested in coming back to this bracket with all the activity I've been seeing! My friend told me that enhancement shamans have been nerfed through the ground for this bracket, however, I haven't seen many other people comment on this? Is it true? Is my favourite...
  9. Staves

    Possible? Twinks may be in for a treat here

    I think they are meaning they will boost a level 15, 16, 17 or 18, character to level 19 and pass them the abilities they would have if they were that level. However, I'm not sure how they will go about scaling player items to player levels. This MAY work in our favour, through providing more...
  10. Staves

    Possible 10 man PvE team (level 10)

    Our team will be set off for a couple weeks, maybe a month or so. Going to get numbers and address issues of gearing (especially tanks and AGMs), so don't worry too much about when! We will keep updating with new posts each time a step is taken, so you guys are kept informed. :)
  11. Staves

    10 Warlock

    I see you linking my character Level 10 warlocks are quite viable at the moment, both PvE and PvP. Yes, I am missing quite a lot from my level 10 warlock at the moment, however it has proven to do VERY well vs'ing both trial (level 20s), other level 10s and also characters ranging between those...
  12. Staves

    10 solo class

    Druid or paladin. Any class with heals tends to do better for soloing.
  13. Staves

    Possible 10 man PvE team (level 10)

    Hello twinkinfo! I have been thoroughly enjoying the 10-14 bracket for a while now and have teamed up with a fellow twinker in hope of establishing an active ALLIANCE PvE team! We aren't currently recruiting for this team due to it being extremely early, however, we would appreciate any...
  14. Staves

    80s? 84s?

    Say, you made a level 80 twink and queued for a BG... would it pop other than organised games? (US servers) Another quick question, are there many 84s in this bracket? I dislike the idea of vsing a character 4 levels above me.
  15. Staves

    What has MoP brought?

    Apart from the obvious addition of BoA leggings, has anyone noticed any new items or changes?
  16. Staves

    Level 10 worgens?

    Hey guys, I've noticed that they patched the escaping Gilneas glitch. Is there any way to still make level 10 worgens, like the way you can make level 10 goblins? Or is the quest chain too large?
  17. Staves

    Just bad luck?

    Just got 2 pairs. :) Thanks for the help guys.
  18. Staves

    Just bad luck?

    I've run the new RFC dungeon about 40 times on my main and have yet to see these gloves drop: Ceremonial Leather Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft I've also checked my AH, and the horde AH each day for the past 3 weeks and have seen none on them either... Did they get removed from the game...
  19. Staves

    Enhance shaman question

    I was thinking of doing that, going to test it. And why shouldn't I post here? O.o
  20. Staves

    Enhance shaman question

    Thanks, was just wondering if the sader would be better. :o