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  1. Quest

    <Back to Basics> 60s Progression guild on Azgalor! [Horde]

    I saw you guys out at the summoning stone when I was running AQ on my 60 rogue a couple of days ago. Congrats on getting your guild going, ;)
  2. Quest

    19s post your "mains"!

    Quest @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Twink item farmer and my original 19.
  3. Quest

    Questions & Answers

    I was just on it yesterday. I wonder if they consider f2p accounts to be "active" or not? Kind of a bummer though. You get attached to names. I wasn't too thrilled to log in and see "xyz" at the end of my character's name.
  4. Quest

    Questions & Answers

    So one of my f2p character names just got released to a p2p. Has anyone else had this experience?
  5. Quest

    Battletags - US

    Not sure if this is still being updated, but Quest#1311
  6. Quest

    EU+US 10s Armory List

    Re: Level 10 twinks Armory List! Here's my level 10 hpally. I just returned from a lengthy break from p2p and I never quite completed her, but I'll be wreaking havoc upon Westfall and Elwynn Forest very soon. Working on my neglected professions atm. Pro @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of...
  7. Quest

    P2p 20-24 Ally real id list

  8. Quest

    P2p 20-24 Horde Real id List

  9. Quest

    Looking for a home for one of my horde twinks

    Bleeding Hollow is pretty active. I see a stack of wool cloth for the low, low amount of 10g. I can't say that's always the case though. :D
  10. Quest

    24 BM Monk / 24 assasin rogue

    Oops! Characters not available.
  11. Quest

    How old are you?

    I'm right there with you. :cool:
  12. Quest

    This Forum Is Becoming Completely Useless...

    Trolling is a very subtle art when executed correctly.
  13. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    Pizza Hut was founded in 1958.
  14. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    Much better. That's the most current project. :D Well, I suppose I'll get back on topic. Xenaria probably deserves to be on this list.
  15. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    A gnome?! Blasphemy.
  16. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    I'm just having some fun with you, kid. I see you hopping around BH from time to time and dotting people in the Gulch.
  17. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    Apparently. Who are you?
  18. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    No. It certainly isn't. I was just curious as to where this constant presence in the bracket was playing. I just hadn't heard of the majority of the people on this forum until WotLK. I suppose it's because several of you were on Cyclone instead of Ruin at the time.
  19. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    Armory? I dabbled on Cyclone as well. Curious to see who he was.
  20. Quest

    Who is the Top Hunter?

    On the current characters? They didn't even obtain level 10 until late 2008.