This Forum Is Becoming Completely Useless...

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I feel like the majority of people missed my point..

@Ore: The last complaint I made was completely valid. It had to do with a balanced team vs. 4hunter/4h Pal team.. What else have I complained about

P.S. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.
P.S.S. This is my 3rd account.. I kept forgetting the names.. Plus I switched names after <Playground Bulliez> disbanned.. I was Colus, then Antídote - Then simplified to Antidote..
I'm about to rant, so get ready:

The name of this website is Twink INFO. I have noticed that the subject of our discussions in this forum have degraded steadily to a common argument involving continuous trash talking and "who is best?"..

I feel that everyone has forgotten the real reason to have this forum available - To educate new players, to better current players' play, and to communicate with other guilds/twinks.

Who cares who is number one? Who cares who beats who? World of Warcraft is a video GAME.. Designed for fun.. Sure, having competition is great, but there is a limit.

Please stop bitching, complaining, and arguing with one another.. It makes me not want to not read the forums and I'm sure doesn't make new players any more interested in playing the bracket.
Stop linking Grandfathered gear for BiS sets as they are NOT ATTAINABLE.
Post VIABLE information that can better play styles and further the community... After all - We are a community.
Help make this bracket better and a little more mature..


Not completely useless - it's a good place to direct possible future twinks, a great community, and provides a good laugh every now and then (seemingly more and more often, the latter). While it does have it's ups and downs fueled by teenage angst and hormones, there are countless archives of great info - the guides section, for example. Guild recruitment, bracket information, tips and tricks, and even a multi-server auction house.

So yes, in my opinion and no doubt the opinions of many others on the forum, the site does live up to its name :p Try to look passed the mundane rambling of people debating their worth over the interwebz. A few keyboard warriors is tolerable in an ocean of useful minds :)
Not completely useless - it's a good place to direct possible future twinks, a great community, and provides a good laugh every now and then (seemingly more and more often, the latter). While it does have it's ups and downs fueled by teenage angst and hormones, there are countless archives of great info - the guides section, for example. Guild recruitment, bracket information, tips and tricks, and even a multi-server auction house.

So yes, in my opinion and no doubt the opinions of many others on the forum, the site does live up to its name :p Try to look passed the mundane rambling of people debating their worth over the interwebz. A few keyboard warriors is tolerable in an ocean of useful minds :)

Well Put - I don't fully agree - But at least you made a valid reasoning with concrete evidence..
Celestys brought me here , waddap ?
Ignore the bad, reward the good. Educate and be part of the solution. The chaff blows away when substance is present. ;)

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Everything you need to know about twinks can pretty much be summed up in 9 guides, why have a forum at all!
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