Search results

  1. Velocíty

    Which Professions Are Possible To Max Out At 80?

    Hey Guys, I have an 80 Priest and have been recently been leveling it's professions, but I have hit a complete brick wall with Tailoring. I believe I need 6 spirits of harmony to get me from 590-600 and fully level the profession, where as Inscription is maxed with no trouble at all. I...
  2. Velocíty

    what are you guys doing while waiting for queues to bgs/arena etc??

  3. Velocíty

    Youtube Channel - Shatterqteu

    The black border around the video really ruined it for me. As in a video effect border, not due to rendering.
  4. Velocíty

    Leveling Out

  5. Velocíty

    Leveling Out

    Atm it's 70 Paladin 73 Paladin 88 Paladin Guess when the dust settles it'll be: 70 Paladin 85 Paladin 90 Paladin 90 Paladin
  6. Velocíty

    Leveling Out

    Probs gonna level the real Velo to 90, and make a new Paladin @ 70
  7. Velocíty

    Leveling Out

    I spent a lot of time getting achievements at 70. The Exalted, The Seeker, Salty (Almost) 100 Mounts. But now that the account wide thing is active there is no point in staying for these achievements since they appear on every character I have, as for gear it isn't too expensive/time consuming...
  8. Velocíty

    Leveling Out

    You didn't actually level out though, we know all about you.
  9. Velocíty

    Leveling Out

    Hey guys, Recently I have been thinking of leveling my 70 Paladin up to 90. The main reasons behind this are that I am an achievement fiend. I am so close to Battlemaster, 200 Cooking Recipes and other slightly harder titles such as the Beloved. These achievements are now rendered...
  10. Velocíty

    What To Play?

    Hey gang, I'm looking to get into 85 twinking and I have a Druid, Warrior, Rogue and Paladin all in awful greens from the start of Cata. I am unsure on which character to twink. I was thinking Ret Paladin but I've heard the BiS weapon appears only on the BMAH and I don't fancy refinancing...
  11. Velocíty

    <Legacy> vs Dragon Soul (heroic) on level 80s

    Loving these. Keep them up
  12. Velocíty

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Hard at work in BGs
  13. Velocíty

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Laughed waaaay harder than I should have.
  14. Velocíty

    LFM! lvl80's to raid with! 80s Only! TOGC ICC Hc Etc.!

    Looking forward to something like this and this happening but for EU. Count me in.
  15. Velocíty

    WTF BANNED FOR BEING THE BEST?????? this game is some dumb sh!t...

    This is the worst thing I have ever seen. and I've seen you in arena.
  16. Velocíty

    Raid Groups & Priest Stat Priority

    Still wondering what's best to reforge into after mastery. Haste or Crit.
  17. Velocíty

    LF BiS Fury Warrior

    How helpful. Anyway this is the closest thing I could find.
  18. Velocíty

    i want to play arenas at 70

    Since I am unsure whether you want to be Alliance or Horde I recommend looking here. I'm no expert on the US servers but I'm certain Illidan is the main place to be.
  19. Velocíty

    LF Skilled Playa's

    You sound genuinely upset.