Leveling Out

so you have 2 lvl 70 Pala's :p and a lvl 88 ! one :p explain why you would lvl your 70 to 90?

he's made his mind up ruben don't be hatin on him
I know what you should do ! lvl the velocitylol and them them its the ur overachieved paladin!(the real Velocíty) and people cant see it due to armory lagg! for weeks!
Atm it's

70 Paladin
73 Paladin
88 Paladin

Guess when the dust settles it'll be:

70 Paladin
85 Paladin
90 Paladin
90 Paladin
One hybrid less to worry about! jkjk sad to see people level their twinks... i once leveled my twink warlock, hit max lvl and never touched it again :(

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