Search results

  1. What's something about you that might impress others?

    I'm yet to be impressed
  2. What bracket after HOA/Azerite nerf?

    I've found after 13 years of twinking that if it sounds too good to be true, it is, and it will be nerfed lol. I didn't even bother farming HoA pieces and I'm laughing at everyone that did XD Don't listen to me tho, lol I haven't changed any of my 59s,60s,69s, 70s,79s,80s or 85s since like Cata :P
  3. US Me

    Probs the stupidest thread I ever seen
  4. Shadowmourne

    Thanks for your helpful replies and gtfo lame unhelpful people that waste time replying useless info
  5. Shadowmourne

    I'm trying to find an updated guide on doing the blood infusion. Is this even still possible as an 80? Also, frost infusion.. is it also possible to withstand Sindys blast? Had this quest on my 80 war since wrath and I'm considering doing it before shadlands
  6. US old content progression raiding.

    There would be fun alternatives like doing heroic dungeon progressions using level specific armour/consumables, would make finding people alot easier too. I've always enjoyed leveling without heirlooms. Questing in outlands is also alot of fun if you stay with each zone in its entirety. Can...
  7. US old content progression raiding.

    Hey mate, I can't remember how BC raids scale as far as damage is concerned, but I think you will find it difficult if not impossible to clear wrath content. I tried clearing naxx on my very well geared 85 prot pally with a 110 and the mobs were hitting absurdly large numbers, like not just...
  8. wheels

    Yeah man, the barra is a fucking great engine. Unfortunate you boys in the states don't have access to it :( best I6 imo out of all the 3. 2j and RB are cool but the torque from my barra is insane, think it's just over 500nm
  9. wheels

    2014 Ford Falcon xr6 turbo 4.0l straight 6 380ish HP stock but I have a modified air intake and a 3inch exhaust system so probably closer to 400hp now. Would be surpsied if any of you Muricans were familiar .w it, It's an Aussie built car.
  10. Lvl 80 PvE Twink

    Quit and moved to classic, that's me and a few of my mates. Every person I know in the 49,59,60,69,70,80 and 85 brackets have either quit wow or are now playing .w me in Vanilla. Sad to not get any more play time on my GF'd twinks but fuck it, retail is trashy as.
  11. Sought after twink items

    Rakzur club? I got it today in Hillsbrad.
  12. 80 raids unclearable?

    I've noticed in multiple raids that boss and mob damage is so massively out of scale, 10 man patchwerk hit my 85 for over 17k and yesterday Marrowgar 25h hit my 80 for 47k. I guess this would essentially mean that 80 raids are unclearable @level.. not that there are any 80s only raids going on...
  13. Getting into non twink bgs with xpoff still possible

    I was playing end game during late cata, I'm talking about wrath all through til FL release. I was maining a 70 blood with well over 100k hp fully buffed. Was absolutely ridiculous how overpowered things were. I'm aware that there were 70s doing 70v70 things, I was doing rbgs here and there, but...
  14. Getting into non twink bgs with xpoff still possible

    Don't really know anyone back in the day who would twink to vs other twinks.. me along with alot of the EU 70 community would specifically que bgs to farm gys and make lvlers eat shit. We would leave the srs 70v70 stuff to 2v2s,3v3s and 5v5s. Must be a new thing twinks wanting to have an even...
  15. eu vs us at 59

    What's your battlenet? I'm in the same boat. From Aus so whenever I log in all of US are in bed :(
  16. Tattoo thread

    Colour is much better in person, plus I've been severely sunburned like twice :( probs just need to be recoloured.. which will be fun...
  17. US 59 daily war games on US- Horde vs Ally

    Legend, thank you mate!!
  18. US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

    Would be very interested in 50/59 raiding. Was trying to form 59 mc run today :(
  19. EU+US Silenced by a lvl 20 Druid in a BG

    If anyone needa these crafted, I got pattern on Jubeithos EU
  20. 59 level elemental shaman I have a full gfd ilvl set and most of the slotted pieces for pve :) still missing max engi...