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  1. Damage Control Title!

    Awesome GRATZ!!
  2. Getting AGM just got a little easier.... Read

    To get the Arena Master I think you must when it says bind to you press no then right click it and give it to the person. I am not sure how i did it last time lol. But I know its can be done.
  3. Getting AGM just got a little easier.... Read

    Oh yes I have tried this and it does work :)
  4. Getting AGM just got a little easier.... Read

    If you have a 85 with you trying to get the Chest at STV, there is a way you wont get 1 shooted when you go for the chest. Simply make your lvl 85 freind Master Looter and he loots it and gives it to you. SIMPLE!!
  5. Its nearly impossible to get exp reverted or levels. Read.

    I asked a GM why i couldnt revert exp and this is there response, Some of the pitures may be overlapped writing ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ImageShack® - Online Photo...
  6. Hunter stats my need some reconsidering.

    Replace the haste trinket for AGM and it would be great :)
  7. Hunter stats my need some reconsidering.

    Sneaky the set up can only be tested properly by discover cause he has the BoA ring. Thats why i could only use the golves with nothing else to consider a constant with like hit cap and stuff
  8. Hunter stats my need some reconsidering.

    In a premade its all about whos healers oom first and who wins mid, If you can oom their healers first it will change the set up for 19 hunters.
  9. Hunter stats my need some reconsidering.

    You can just use focus target for explosive shot
  10. Hunter stats my need some reconsidering.

    9064 damage with 65 auto attacks with fang gloves, 8455 damage with 65 auto attacks with wind riders golves! WTF IS THIS! I had a debate and tested this theory with no other gear on but the Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon. The difference between these items is one has 6 agility 4 stam while the...
  11. US Real life pictures - 19's only - this is necessary

    lol tapout that ur bro in the backround?
  12. Who is the Top Mage

    Srsly! Where is my fuking mage!! This shit its bullshit!
  13. Who is the Top Hunter?

    Where the fuk is my name gee!
  14. Mage question?!?!?!

    If I made a Gnome mage should i run herb and engineeing or herb and skinning!?!?? Thanks :)
  15. What is better for mages, paiies and shammies? 30 SP or 22 int?

    From all the data that i have collected from your speeches that 22 int is better for mages and pallies, not sure for shammies. The Crit is an extra 1+% and increases your overall damage and healing by that much therefor better then 8 sp which i dont know how much damage that does. If 8sp is more...
  16. What is better for mages, paiies and shammies? 30 SP or 22 int?

    Might make some toons :) Want to know
  17. All 19s there is now a there is now a submit bug button! READ!

    It is the way that you do the jump when you do the horde fence jump face on you wont DC but when you do that side way one you will thats the difference!
  18. All 19s there is now a there is now a submit bug button! READ!

    No I mean like when your not doing jumps and bump into a wall on accidentally and DC, you can also DC when you touch any wall no because Blizzard probably couldn't control the bug to just WSG jumps.
  19. All 19s there is now a there is now a submit bug button! READ!

    If you are DCing in WSG and you want it to stop submit a bug to the GMs. If everyone does it, it might get fixed :) Help us out.