Search results

  1. What is the high 70/70 2s team running?

    i got it Semiprolol @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft greez shelbyZ
  2. Highest 2s raiting atm

    wow This bracket still alive?
  3. Rogue - Gem/Gear/Talent 5.2

    fuck sake and i need shiv back -.-
  4. Rogue - Gem/Gear/Talent 5.2

    so u all wanna say rog is fine atm? their dmg is fine is said this since first day of mop but with the changes of shadow dance, i can only kill people in the opener/restealth or a vanish( if the aren't completly retardet). My problem is i dont have control in the arena anymore as rogue... you...
  5. So uh, RIP mages?

    nah they can reroll rogue GG
  6. Angry Gers

    ./facepalm sadstory but true:(
  7. ...

    riyo stop this pls and work now!
  8. How can this guy possibly be #1 when he is so bad... o... Guess I'm just better :)

    Re: How can this guy possibly be #1 when he is so bad... o... Guess I'm just better : who is rank 1? :)
  9. RBG's - They need to come back.

    Riyo get ur dick out of my head!