This is the Story of TRY and his first experience with the 70 bracket.

Greetings All, I would like to tell a story. it all started mid Cataclysm I was doing my daily things on Thunderhorn when out of nowhere the server was flooded with 70Twinks, i had previously only ever twinked 19 in BC. i followed this crowd of hooligans. Moving forward 6months. Me and my sexy babybear cutiepie Boris has super fun! he wanted me to always play 85, i wanted him to play 70, he always explained why would he play 70 when he can get no real reward, and its just a braindead bracket full of people who failed at max level.

Moving on to MoP i started this expansion late, so i was very behind on gear. it was still the same story, Boris wanted me to play 90, i wanted him to play 70. He was initially just going for glad, and he was in range for a long time, although his 2 partners had pretty much quit on him due to R so he always wanted me for 3s on his alt mage, or 2s. 1week ago, after a lot of whineing i got him access to my buddys 70 mage, and he played a few games on thunderhorn, maybe 10 or so, with another undergeared 70 pala, both no proffessions. he had an RAF account, so 4days ago i boosted him to 70 on his own mage on stormscale. he told me how easy the bracket was and i was going over the top saying he needed Engineering and BiS. 3days ago i put money on us getting 2.2 Within 8 days. that would give him time for some extra raid resets and maybe engineering. Lets go back to 2days. we did sunwell/BT he got nothing special a staff from sunwell and some tier. We did a super secret hard to do Honor grind that is about 2k honor/hour so he was ready to go.

Yesterday i came home around 2pm. Instantly he got sexually excited over the game and me and stuff. We started 2s. over the next 6 hours we played 62games, Probably 50games were protpala/disc or just other super OP prot pala cleaves. we fought through, it consisted of very silly loses due to Boris having his first time @ 70 and did not expect the random RNG 1shots, i cried sometimes when he did not block where instinctly to me i would have playing this bracket.

He had always told me how easy this Bracket was and how poor the players were,

Everybody knows that for most 70, all they do is play the most FOTM setups in the world to still fail to achieve 2.2

I however playing a shadow priest, still do not playing Shadowpriest/healer comps, apart from playing With Meat to 2.2, but Monks are funsys!

Moving on 6hours and 62games. Boris Hit 2.2k No engineering, no proffessions, poor gear, blue trinkets and Huzzaarr.

This is the story of just how bad this bracket is. Despite being 52-10 Most losses due to boris having no idea when to block JK 70 1shot. We persisted and we achieved. This post is very random, i post this as i wait for my sexy Boris to log on.

on a sidenote.

Anybody who plays Protpala/Discpriest can die in a steaming hole :) the damage is fine, its 70, you expect 1shots :) but the tank class-not dieing, braindeadness is not acceptable. and please hit a rebuke on me. i get very suprised and horny when people do due to the rare occasion

Grammar Police Please enjoy this thread. only got a D in English all those years ago. COME AT ME WITH MAH SPELLING SON Anyways

This is Boris Trý @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft

Ill remind everybody. Me and Boris did not take this seriously at all. and that helps to win, i finally got my baby to 70. and having a partner that does not rage is 100x better.

Cya later sexies. and remember. I Will Love You And Respect You. Providing you do not Disrespect me or run SuperGayComps =]

Love you all lots. and ill enjoy the forthcoming 25min games. Because bitches if you try 25min me. I will only turn around and 25min you back. Remember. i don't have a life either.
I know. all ive done is get 2.2 with all of the worst classes @ 70. why do i still play this bracket with the 2k Prot/discs that camp 2k for whatever reason, but i guess the street corners pay well these days so i should move on


#NeedsToKeepEgo @70ToBoostSelfEsteemForLife

#Selling 2.2k



Soon i'm running out of shit classes to play with so ill have to move onto Shadow/Restosham! sounds hard JK wonttouchthatcompwithabargepole
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farm firemage/enh shamy to get 2,2k. And the best is, the shaman was with you in skype.

also frostmage is a very usefull class in arena @70

farm firemage/enh shamy to get 2,2k. And the best is, the shaman was with you in skype.

also frostmage is a very usefull class in arena @70


Sure we farmed you got 2.2 :p, although we got 2.2 a while ago now, and i'm sure our 105 games were all the 5 or so vs you but sure :D and also

I want to see the the data behind the research, because, Warriors are definately not at the bottom of the food chain, since i been 2.3 this season warrior/spriest, rets are really strong, people prefer prot due to OPness, ferals definately don't beat rets, ele is really strong, so's enhance, boomkins definately don't equal frost mage,. Firemages are stronk, sir i want to see some evidence to back this up. I don't see any other frost mages on the ladder?
I want to see the the data behind the research, because, Warriors are definately not at the bottom of the food chain, since i been 2.3 this season warrior/spriest, rets are really strong, people prefer prot due to OPness, ferals definately don't beat rets, ele is really strong, so's enhance, boomkins definately don't equal frost mage,. Firemages are stronk, sir i want to see some evidence to back this up. I don't see any other frost mages on the ladder?

Spriest is just ridiculously strong right now :D :D
Now now, don't start trolling meat! We all know SP is at the bottom of the food chain <3

Yes spread the word, make people level their rogues and mages back, anything but hybrids kk, theyre bad 100% fact
carefully read through each post and thought "lol" maybe some people DO maybe need to get a job @ Meats post ;)
But its entirely upto people how they want to spend they daytimes #yolo #ywdl You Will Die Lonely :) Also a bit of buttlicking going on but thats standard with the bracket...
if people and Try where THAT bothered, surely Try would make a post hiself? Idk. /caremodeoff #lessasslick

--> spend most of there online gametime on wow at level "70" despite playing fotm classes and crying about the bracket being "dogshit " bracket and being unbalanced but being full of braindead players and "Noskillers" getting carried by comp... Sorry to be quite straight foward to you lewis but you've played rogue in cata --> Plays SP- now and played Boomy start of MoP launch. Not sure what you describe as "braindead" players here but tbh don't think you've played a hard class at 70 since s10. jk rogue #yolo w/e.
But me personally i think 90 damage is a bit out of control.. warriors still hitting shitloads and feral druids are just out of control with the insta CC > Movability and damage they have. BM hunters doing shitloads of damage with a pet doing more damage than a t2 warlock but the balance there seems standard to blizz since they couldn't balance a fig newton via guideline. Just my theory on the game is why i cba tryharding this unbalanced shit anymore 70 or 90.
No offence to anyone in particular.. but Try seems a nice guy to me, he's not SO cocky as some people i've seen ( dont take me for granted lads ;)) but he does /w me and discussing futher patches and such and how mage is a balanced and perfectly viable class in the 70 bracket and seems to be a decent player and have a general knowledge of the game. Which i'm open to.
Basically I dont really see the point in this post as Lewis seems to cry so much about 70 and the "Dogshit" Players the community it attracts..
But still playing probs imo the most OP "fotm" class atm.. Surely if you cry that much about tardos rolling fotm comps you'd reduce the scale by playing a "Balanced" class yourself and not rolling fotm? Idk just seems logical since you cry alot about the state of the bracket.

End of story and morals is.. stick to the class you enjoy the most and stop rerolling fotm classes/specs because it's op atm..
In cata there was a infestation dog mages which soon scattered like rats since MoP launch.
All in all i would love to see people sticking to there classes they enjoy the most and which isn't as fotm as it was pre season etc etc.. I can guarantee 75% of the mages I faced in arena last season have rolled SP / Prot / Boomkin now (Just a theory via name recognisation)
Basically the be all and end all is.. if you cry so much about prot one shots and shit why reroll a fotm class to put up with them? When tbf i think any good team of any Class/Healer would kill a prot / disc or Rsham team... Just improve your gameplay and adapt.. or quit if your that bothered :s
Idk just seems to be too much rerolling and qq about the bracket atm.. Outside of prot paladins I think brackets (to a extent) quite balanced. Qq about me being a fotm mage in cata but I couldn't give a shit i still play my class now which tbf i'm quite happy with.
---Sorry for wall of text. But needed to get a simple but explanatory point across.
Peace out yo, highest rated player since mop release <3 elitism has to be included but this is LEWIS'S post ;) xx

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