Search results

  1. How to balance 19's (final)

    21. Increase the health of all hunter pets by 20% below level 40 - This will impact 39s, from where I have most experience. This will imbalance Hunters in this bracket even more, which is insane as they are as good at 39 as at 19. 27. Hand of Freedom is now learned at level 8 - This will...
  2. EU Selling two Shadowfangs

    Updated with new info from the holder of the SF.
  3. How to balance 19's (final)

    I support these changes, there are a few changes I like or dislike more than the general idea, but all in all it looks thoroughly researched. However, I just don't see much more than a few blue posts happening, sadly enough. As previously mentioned, it's too large a change for it to be worth...
  4. How to balance 19's (final)

    The survey is also not influenced by sites like AJ by openly rallying players to vote for arenas. Additionally, you should have written "twinkERS". If twinking became inbalanced, I'd just play endgame (or, as happened recently, having to re-organise my personal life to the extent of taking a...
  5. How to balance 19's (final)

    It's been a long read to catch up on this argument, but it all comes down to how much each side feels is realistic to implement without having to put Blizzard through rigorous amounts of testing to balance an aspect of the game that is, twinking aside, nothing more than a minor stage in the...
  6. 39 prot warrior

    Wowhead: We've got what you need!
  7. Discovery For the 39 Crew.

    What Donnie said. Nothing new here.
  8. EU WTB stuff @ Draenor

    Because the man works against twinks, at least indirectly. There are still dedicated people around. Now learn to spell.
  9. 5v5 WSG Works!!! (Wargames) GIVES NO XP!

    Enjôy, I want creds for this one! Gimme sum!
  10. EU Selling two Shadowfangs

    Shameful bump.
  11. EU Selling two Shadowfangs

    Updated with new info.
  12. fuck agm

    If people don't want to be complained at, don't complain in the first place.
  13. 39 Paladin FC, Human or Dwarf?

    Noxxion's Heart / Tidal / Anything with avoidance
  14. EU Selling two Shadowfangs

    Got a 10k bid on the one on Draenor.
  15. How To play War arena games :S?

    They said "that they're glad that it was brought to their attention and that it will be escalated", so I guess they don't give a shit.
  16. How To play War arena games :S?

    Thank me who posted the first post on the subject.
  17. EU Selling two Shadowfangs

    I heard that when the title says 'EU' I actually imply US.
  18. EU Kutty is back!

    Was a blast playing 39s since 2007, but now it's time to get out of this shit while it sucks. Cba making another thread, just major thanks to MYL/AGV and now WB. Been nice. Ciao.
  19. EU Selling two Shadowfangs

    Selling two Shadowfangs *SOLD* One is located on Draenor Horde, one on Defias Brotherhood Alliance. Payment is accepted on each server respectively, although you could pay for the one located on Defias Brotherhood on Draenor (payment in advance required) to avoid one of the transfer costs...
  20. Which would be the best Hunter weapon?

    The 2 extra DPS gives you an edge. Twinks live on gaining as sharp an edge as possible on your opponent. Additionally, they might win you fights.