Search results

  1. Blackvenom Blade Giveaway

    You look like a blueberry
  2. Balance Druids and Shadow Priests got buffed!

    Blizzard balances endgame and even if they did balance for twinking, ask yourself honestly why would they buff the 20s of who a ton of players don't even pay anymore?
  3. Raise your hand if

    inb4 shitstorm
  4. 24 twink wargames!

    Can you do them crossserver? I'm not familiar with them but if you can feel free to add Badtser#2729 I could do some together with a friend of mine.
  5. P2P 20-24 List

    My resto druid Badtser @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft
  6. My resto druid

    Looking for feedback/gearing tips and all general resto druid knowledge you can dump on me :) Badtser @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft
  7. So what level are classes generally stopping at?

    could you throw in an armory of your shaman? Been contemplating making one myself and would love to have a look :)
  8. 24 5v5 arenas from different views! soon

    I expect all of them up here tomorow. Was awesome fun playing these games out. :)
  9. Oliks' Arena Grand Master Boosting Service

    Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master Just bought 9 pieces from this guy. Everything went smooth, fast and correct. All I could ask for. Would use again if I made new chars.
  10. Rate my rogue

    Soo what are those reasons?
  11. LF B-tags

    Badtser#2729 Up for wsg/ab
  12. WTB [Swift Lovebird] / Lovely!

    Where are u guys grinding then?
  13. Tet's real id RBG's

    [URL=] I hope u queue for more, sorry about not capping for 5 minutes while they farmed u but i was given orders.
  14. Tet's real id RBG's

    Were queuing up now
  15. Tet's real id RBG's

    Awh tetarius why no screenshots of the 2bg's we won of u? :P
  16. Tet's real id RBG's

    U still queuing?
  17. Tet's real id RBG's

    I hate arathi basin but gg
  18. Tet's real id RBG's

    I hope u keep queuing man we just won and were queuing again