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  1. 19s are so fun right now

    He isn't too bright.
  2. Viable premade strategy

    Feral druids would be more of a problem than hunters or rogues in larger numbers. People are just too retarded to realize their full potential.
  3. Viable premade strategy

    Real tinks use hit pots.
  4. Digging up an old hunter.

    Yeah man, screw hunters...You play difficult classes like paladin and rogue!
  5. looking for 16 recruits

    You, sir...Are a great member of the twinker community!
  6. 19s are so fun right now

    Can't even rebuttal with a coherent response. Shows you're as weak as those kids getting bullied.
  7. 19s are so fun right now

    I taught your class idiot. Professor Twinkerton
  8. 19s are so fun right now

    I will tutor you if you ask nicely.
  9. 19s are so fun right now

    This is painful to watch, you're just continuously shooting yourself in the foot. Silly wittle subpar players.
  10. 19s are so fun right now

    *Yawn* this is what happens when you play an awful bracket like 29s, can't adapt, then make a 19. Honestly, it's rough seeing you kids try so hard. Let me know if you need some help.
  11. 19s are so fun right now

    There's a difference between legend and hasbeen. One "Has been" the other "is". Bow to me scum.
  12. 19s are so fun right now

    Great comeback, man. Did I hurt someones feelings? These two are scum and have hurt the bracket more than you'll even be capable of comprehending with your two digit IQ. I'm tired of them mocking the twink masses on these forums with advanced levels of satire, someone has to take them down a...
  13. 19s are so fun right now

    Only about 5% of the 19s playing now are "real twinkers" You are not the 5%
  14. 19s are so fun right now

    I'm sure burnout is relevant, right? Do you even think before you post? If we're talking mmo's....I'm eons ahead of you kids.
  15. 19s are so fun right now

    Being bullied just shows weakness.
  16. 19s are so fun right now

    I'm sure.
  17. Digging up an old hunter.

    Stop responding to my posts.
  18. Digging up an old hunter.

    Respectable hunter, incredabull, orange Which one of these does not belong? I'll give you a hint It's not orange Also...It's incredabull ^.^
  19. Wuvz says hi

    o hai wuvs
  20. 19s are so fun right now

    Tsk, tsk, tsk...Terrible pokemon, even worse posts.