Digging up an old hunter.


Hey guys. Thought I'd share this as I found it interesting. This was my first twink prior to cata, and prior to BoA's/Heirlooms being released during wotlk. Hunters used intellect back at that time so that's why you see a few pieces of intellect gear on there. The only thing I was missing at the time were the fishing hat (I tried 3 weekends in a row and got nothing
), AGM (didn't have a 80 at the time so was really tough just trying to run into the arena and get the chest and also missed Feet of the Lynx as it never sold in m realm's AH and were no such thing at server transfers at the time to buy it from someone on a different server.Basically I have a couple of GF items on this toon but really don't see the use for it. I know the 19 bracket is overloaded with hunters at the moment and was curious if it's even worth bothering upgrading the twink. I now have heirlooms that I could transfer over, and a fully geared 85 rogue to kill people who try to go for AGM in Gurubashi. So what are your thoughts? As I said this hunter is wayyyyyyy out dated. I'm really considering just starting a new and updated twink as this one reminds me of the good old days when there were instant random BG que's and no Heirlooms, etc.

Anyways here is the armory link: http://us.battle.net...Fullseye/simple
its as outdated as mine was and I came back not that long ago..doesn't take that long to upgrade everything.
I would suggest rolling another class.
that seal of sylvanas is more than enough reason to re gear the old chump of a hunter and nuke kids all day hell yea
Keep the hunter or you won't have fun
If I only had dat ring... And jutebraids

I would save the twink and remake it at a later time perhaps, since huntards are boring and wsg is allready full of em.
Yeah dude 19 hunters!
Keep the hunter and roll a preist or pally and your golden.

Respectable hunter, incredabull, orange

Which one of these does not belong?

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]I'll give you a hint[/font]​

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]It's not orange[/font]​

Also...It's incredabull

Respectable hunter, incredabull, orange

Which one of these does not belong?

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]I'll give you a hint[/font]​

[font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]It's not orange[/font]​

Also...It's incredabull


Stop spreading your hate.
i recently xfered a hunter from the same frozen account my old pally was on

no r3 title. just 2 fishing hats, westfall tunic and seal of wrynn

deleted her
i recently xfered a hunter from the same frozen account my old pally was on

no r3 title. just 2 fishing hats, westfall tunic and seal of wrynn

deleted her

Yeah man, screw hunters...You play difficult classes like paladin and rogue!

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