Search results

  1. Info on account/character sales

    Well that was kinda what i was asking about. I didn't know if there was like a safe website that made it easy or if it would be easier to just post on here..I just don't know how i would go about selling it on my own..though i have an idea of how it works. Just missing the information needed to...
  2. Info on account/character sales

    Well since I've played this game since it came out I am realizing that it has just lost its luster and awe. Getting a little too boring for me and being a broke college student I could really use whatever cash my characters could bring in. Anyone know of a good and trustful cite where I can...
  3. Possible return to twinking

    Cool thanks for the info...and yeah i figured I could probably level to 20 in like an hour or so give/take so I would try out a few different ones..and I suppose i shouldve asked are healers usually lacking? or tanks? competent ccers? etc
  4. Possible return to twinking

    Hello all, long time twinker Fritto here. I've been playing a lot of RBGs on my maid but find I have a significant amount of down time in between sessions of RBGs so I am looking to get back into twinking for my off-play times. Looking for a bracket thats quick to jump into and get going. Doing...
  5. AB HK FARM Re-post

    You know that you can't sit in an AB without capping any bases right? If there is even one base uncapped within the first i think 5-7 minutes the battleground ends
  6. 29 Monks?

    Viable? Fun? Opinion? Thinking about making a new twink..used to twink 19s for so long then moved to want to try out 29s as i hear from my bud Karmaz that arenas are pretty poppin and that WSH premades may be in the near future. Not settled on a monk yet, really just an excuse to be...
  7. Shadowfang spotted

    Must be a black friday/cyber monday deal still lingering
  8. Shadowfang spotted

    If anyone is interested i just saw a shadowfang on US Aerie Peak alliance side 99,999g buyout lol
  9. Best Fc class/spec?

    should've said that there is 3-4 of us so does it change when its not solo q? maybe like best for premade situations etc
  10. Best Fc class/spec?

    Just starting to come back to WoW with a few friends and want to get back into twinking 19s. I know i either want to make a CC frost mage (played a bit way back in bc/wrath) or an FC of sort. So what are some suggestions for the best FCs or just a class/spec that people enjoy FCing with Im...
  11. US 29s on the Rebound!

    Interested in joining the community. Played 19s and 70s for years but recently took a break from twinking. Looking to try some new brackets and with the popularity slowly rising for the 29 community I thought i'd jump on bored and do my part to help your resurrection. Any guilds currently...
  12. Done till MoP (Maybe)

    Hey all Fritto here, after coming back from my break from twinking, and WoW in general, I realize that the game just doesn't do what it used to do for me. I don't know if it is because all my real life friends quit, or if playing the game since launch has drained out all the WoW play time in me...
  13. Horde Race Discussion

    I am currently working on gearing my shaman after a long break, and plan to faction change to get alli gear before returning horde. Thinking about the future the question is which race to chose when returning to the horde, obviously talking about gob or troll. I am aware that goblin is the...
  14. FC warrior, Tauren or Goblin?

    Not to pirate your thread here but what about this same argument for the Shaman class? Whie i do plan on going goblin (tauren now) just curious as to the arguments against say trolls or maybe orcs
  15. About

    chose the item, then go to the "enchants" tab and at the top there is a section for the for example pic your belt slot, get the satchel belt in the table, while still on it go to enchants and chose of stamina or whatever
  16. Resto Druid FC LF New Home

    LOL this is my exact post from a few weeks ago only you changed it to your info..that disclaimer about your boss being a dick is EXACTLY how i worded mine #Newhomesearchtemplatestatus Good luck with your search EDIT: link to my original (now templated post)...
  17. [19] (H) Cherry Limeade - *Now recruiting* (But not for long)

    I PMed you back, also have been talking to Efficiency..PM me whenever
  18. Monk Info

    *Just as a disclaimer I am not yet in the beta, all info I post is just from what i have read on various WoW info sites!* Some of this info may be obvious but some people may not know (as i have seen numerous posts on beta threads asking about monk spells) General Spells: Jab Level 1 Costs...
  19. GF'd Shaman looking for a new home

    Yeah that was way back in vanilla then again in TBC..good times back in cyclone
  20. GF'd Shaman looking for a new home

    Hey all, I have a horde (tauren made before gobs were in game) grandfathered shaman on the server Mannoroth and I am possibly looking for a new home if the conditions are right. Sniklefrittz @ Mannoroth - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Gear I have not shown on my armory: Dreadskull Shield...