FC warrior, Tauren or Goblin?



I've decided to make a 19 FC twink but I have a dilemma :p
Should i choose for tauren or for a goblin? I mean ofcourse tauren has more HP but the rocket of the goblin is also very handy
I'm not sure what ability has more value in FC at 19. How do you guys think about it. What should I choose?

Something to bear in mind is that warstomp can miss if you are not hit capped, which is probable on a fc warrior.
it wouldn't be wise to make a warrior fc without gf'd gear. My best bet would make a paladin fc, lot more easier without gf'd gear, IMO
Really, is it really that bad without gf'd gear? I was interested in the warriors since you dont see them on my server. I mean I dont care if I need to do it with a little bit less.
It's not that bad without GF'd gear, as long as you have skill. Also go goblin...that jump can be much more game-breaking than the stun.
i dont have grandfathered gear. enough said

Goblin>tauren just due to the fact that if can learn rocket jumps then u can escape many situations and as a warrior fc you usually haveto rely on your ability to navigate terrain since there is no real way to heal yourself unless theres a decent heals and in pugs thats not always the case. WAr stomp can miss as stated earlier andthe extra hp isnt that much and wouldnt make a monumental difference.
You have no clue how many times Goblin jumping off roof to cap has saved many of the close games that I've been in :p
I don't have any experience using the goblin jump as an FC, but the warstomp can be priceless when suddenly getting bursted down. Imagine yourself at 10 debuffs and multiple rogues opening on you simultaneously. Even though you have healers the chances are they aren't gonna react fast enough to get a heal off on you. Even if your healers were fast, the time these rogues takes to burst you to death might be shorter than the time for any of the healers to actually get a cast off. So as soon as you see an ambush or 2, or any large amount of damage coming to you for that matter, hit the warstomp. It will give your healers 2 seconds more time to heal you back to full which is usually enough. Then you can just kill enemys offence and hope the warstomp will be up when they next have a big offensive attack.
I don't have any experience using the goblin jump as an FC, but the warstomp can be priceless when suddenly getting bursted down. Imagine yourself at 10 debuffs and multiple rogues opening on you simultaneously. Even though you have healers the chances are they aren't gonna react fast enough to get a heal off on you. Even if your healers were fast, the time these rogues takes to burst you to death might be shorter than the time for any of the healers to actually get a cast off. So as soon as you see an ambush or 2, or any large amount of damage coming to you for that matter, hit the warstomp. It will give your healers 2 seconds more time to heal you back to full which is usually enough. Then you can just kill enemys offence and hope the warstomp will be up when they next have a big offensive attack.
prot warriors don't get globaled by rogues like druids do.
Through alot of FCing experience on different classes but most recently warrior I would have to vote Goblin as the undisputed champion. Simply for their ability to get from the logs at the side of horde GY to the top of GY if you know how to do the jump. Also, the jukes available to you in the base are great too. You can go from Far Corner of Roof to Balcony, Jump off any level and rocket jump back on, Jump from roof right onto cap etc etc. There are also some more jumps like getting onto horde zerker hut roof and things which take alot of practise and a bit of luck to do in an actual game, but all in all, goblin has more mobility and can fit in smaller places.

One downside to being gobo though is that the tun entrance to tun roof jump is a pain in the ass since you are so tiny.
Good luck with whatever race you choose though, tauren is also a solid choice, though IMO not as strong as goblin.
Oke thnx for the comments. My preference was already for the goblins but I read in some topics that tauren is the class
Now it's clear, goblin will be it
goblin or BE, taurens shouldn't even be considered
i remember when u were tauren. you told me that extra HP is viable :p
not anymore
AT and arcane resist > stomp, nature resist, 20hp
plus BE movement is better minus jumps
wot do you mean by this, ive heard people say certain races movement is better before but always thought they were referring to the jumps ^^

I feel more "precise" when using Belf Female / Nelf Male just because they don't bob around all the time when they are walking. This is what I'd go for as movement, but people can obviously associate it with different things. I just like it to be clean cut to be able to fake jump, do jumps and generally feel good about positioning :p
Not to pirate your thread here but what about this same argument for the Shaman class? Whie i do plan on going goblin (tauren now) just curious as to the arguments against say trolls or maybe orcs
I feel more "precise" when using Belf Female / Nelf Male just because they don't bob around all the time when they are walking. This is what I'd go for as movement, but people can obviously associate it with different things. I just like it to be clean cut to be able to fake jump, do jumps and generally feel good about positioning :p
ginger pretty much this
when backstrafing, fake jumping / juking, even the way they move i personally feel way more comfortable as a female BE
when i was tauren i felt like i had horrible movement (with the exception of jumps)

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