Possible return to twinking


Hello all, long time twinker Fritto here. I've been playing a lot of RBGs on my maid but find I have a significant amount of down time in between sessions of RBGs so I am looking to get back into twinking for my off-play times. Looking for a bracket thats quick to jump into and get going. Doing a little research on the brackets I like what i see in the free play community (especially the new south shore wPvP idea going on.

So my question is pretty much is the f2p bracket a fun one that will keep me entertained in my off time? And if so what server is best? what faction needs help and what classes do they need? I've played just about every class to at least 60+ so I am capable of playing any class and enjoy all of them
F2P is fun enough to keep all of us mooks entertained... Aerie Peak is the best US server. Both factions are great and would love to have you... heck, play both if you're so inclined. And play the class you want to play; all would be welcome.
Welcome to the F2P bracket. To answer your questions sequentially:

1. I certainly think it is a fun way to spend your downtime between RBGs, though I'm sure you'll run in to others who disagree. Still, the large number of F2P twinks speaks for itself.

2. As for what server to roll on, it really all comes down to preference. Yde's FAQ provides a list of the better known F2P communities as well as a short tidbit about each. I'd give them a looksy and see what you think. Like I said though, it really all comes down to what you're looking for out of your community.

3. Others will certainly disagree with me, but I think the factions are pretty evenly matched at the moment. Depending on what times you play or other factors, you may find the stats a little skewed to one side, but at the end of the day you should just pick whichever race you like best. You're the one that has to look at it all the time, anyway.

4. In terms of classes, I would say there are three that are overwhelmingly popular at the moment: druids, paladins, and warriors. Still, I don't think the problem is needing classes so much as competent players. With that in mind, I'd suggest trying out a couple different classes and seeing which one you prefer. They may play quite differently at 20 than they do at 90, and you might find yourself drawn to a class more strongly than before. After all, you only have to get to level 20, so it's pretty easy to rotate between a couple toons before singling out a preference.
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Cool thanks for the info...and yeah i figured I could probably level to 20 in like an hour or so give/take so I would try out a few different ones..and I suppose i shouldve asked spec..like are healers usually lacking? or tanks? competent ccers? etc
Between healers, tanks, and competent CCers, I would say that CCers are far and away the rarest and tanks are the most common (a lot of people playing prot paladins and prot warriors). Healers used to be all over the place, but they seem to be rather hit or miss of late. Some BGs you'll get 4-5, some you'll get none.
At this current time, I would suggest not rolling a CC class. With the way scaling is currently, casters have a 26% miss chance with non-specilization abilities (warlock fear, mage polymorph, paladin hoj, etc).

If you wish to roll a class where you can fill multiple rolls (dps and heals), be sure to pick your dps quest rewards over healing ones, as healing is so overtuned that healers can still perform well in gear that doesn't even have the proper stats for them.
I've been playing a lot of RBGs on my maid

Funny typo :p

It looks like people answered your questions pretty well! The only thing I would reiterate is to try out a bunch of the classes and specs (they are very different at 20 than at 90!), as it is so easy to get to level cap.

Good luck, have fun and feel free to ask any questions that come up!
What? I get my maid to do rbgs so I can get conquests and a higher rating 2

-Aerie Peak is the best server
-Alliance needs more help
-I havent really seen any good shamans on alliance

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