US 29s on the Rebound!


A month of games on Tuesday evenings prompted 29s to expand to Sunday evenings for the second month. Steady growth continues, so update your 29 and get on the field! The 29 BiS Gear List and 29 forums both at TwinkInfo and in the official WoW forums feature a lot of great information.

Games on Sundays/Tuesdays starting 9pm EST/6pm PST!

Players complained nonstop about hunters, rogues, grandfathered gear, comps, and everything else. Does that still go on?

Complaints simmered down to an average level for an XP-off bracket. While you'll see complaints here and there, the majority of 29s caught up to the present day and want to play, battling in some pretty intense games. Neither faction has consistently gained the upper hand in the last couple of months, with many games ending as 0-point or 1-point wins.

How much of an impact does grandfathered gear have?

The difference between a grandfathered fully geared toon and a fresh fully geared toon amounts to about the same stats as a Rumsey Rum and two elixirs. Given that more than half the bracket doesn't use consumable buffs, it's not a big difference. Two exceptions: Skullbreaker (for the enchant it can take) and Nailsplitter, weapons from the same grandfathered quest, hit hardest in the bracket. That said, they haven't broken games.

Do 29s do arenas?

Via RealID groups, 29s do arenas now and then. Many 29s play on Windrunner and Dragonmaw. Using a common server makes it easier to get arenas going.

Don't hunters and rogues dominate 29s?

And ret pallies. Mages can hit pretty hard, too. Point being, yes, some classes certainly bring more power than others. However, when a warlock can walk on the field and turn a game around with CCs and debuffs, it's less about the class and more about the player, and especially about a team's coordination.

How do I get involved?

Use the resources listed at the top, read up on gear and class options for your favorite class, and shout out in the forums for help if you want it! On Tuesday, April 24th, 29s had over 30 people in queue during the peak of the evening. Join the mayhem!
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For anyone interested in making a 29.

<Departure lounge> horde dragonmaw US is looking for a few good tinkers for the 29 bracket.

We have the gear!

We have the enchants!

All that annoying stuff you want but don't want to farm!



And of course what every respectable tinker needs Epic flying transportation for official guild business!

Re-rolls and transfers welcome! Full funding, instance runs and assistance with professions available!

Think you've got what it takes? Apply today!
Indeed, would be so cool if EU got active in some unregular bracket to, like 10s, or 29/39 etc :)
Interested in joining the community. Played 19s and 70s for years but recently took a break from twinking. Looking to try some new brackets and with the popularity slowly rising for the 29 community I thought i'd jump on bored and do my part to help your resurrection.

Any guilds currently recruiting? Can play any class really, but my strongest is any type of FC class or healer. Also enjoy CC/support mages. PM me if any guilds are interested, will roll anything needed!

Interested in joining the community. Played 19s and 70s for years but recently took a break from twinking. Looking to try some new brackets and with the popularity slowly rising for the 29 community I thought i'd jump on bored and do my part to help your resurrection.

Any guilds currently recruiting? Can play any class really, but my strongest is any type of FC class or healer. Also enjoy CC/support mages. PM me if any guilds are interested, will roll anything needed!


A couple posts up Franchi made one stating he and Dom's guild on Dragnmaw Horde side are recruiting and funding. Franchi has everything under the sun and is great about helping out with runs. I have an 80 xp off toon there and can help out as needed.
this summer i will be back in action on my 29 rogue on dmaw. I was thinking of faction swapping back to Alliance, is there any Alliance on Dragonmaw? How about alliance in general, and guilds? I would be more than happy to help get a guild started, though Franchiis guild looks way tempting
this summer i will be back in action on my 29 rogue on dmaw. I was thinking of faction swapping back to Alliance, is there any Alliance on Dragonmaw? How about alliance in general, and guilds? I would be more than happy to help get a guild started, though Franchiis guild looks way tempting

I am acting gm of <everything zen> on dmaw (until bael comes back), the bank needs work but I can move stuff via neutral ah
Willing to help via real id when i have the downtime, been busy alot lately but anyone who needs runs alliance side i can help. also looking for some non retards to farm gnomer with, i need one charged gear of the bear.
sounds like fun!!! im gonna look into wich class i mite want to bring here, any suggestions?
I'll do this eventually as well. I'm always down to help people so I'll do some runs on real ID etc once I get a 29 =-D (or honestly, I'd be down to do it earlier too)

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