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  1. DigitalChemyst

    Bug with Wand Xmog

    So I was on my Priest the other day, and I was trying to kill the cows in Goldshire with my wand like every good twink should, but it was not working! Turns out, if you mog your wand as ANY melee weapon, it becomes completely useless and unable to perform ANY auto-attack! I'm so glad Blizzard...
  2. DigitalChemyst

    19's OFFICIAL Battleground Nights!

    Hello everyone, (un)official retail 19's bracket coordinator Digitalchemyst here with another post! With the recent changes to gear, it's time to dust off those 19's and get to the reason we are all here! Here is the schedule for BGs for the foreseeable future, even as we move into the launch...
  3. DigitalChemyst

    Starter Guide to Shadowlands 20's!

    Hello everyone! Digitalchemyst here with another guide! This was largely adapted from my 19's guide, as there were no significant differences in most areas. This guide will inform you of everything you need to know to start & play a level 20 character in Shadowlands (SL), which is the highest...
  4. DigitalChemyst

    THE Definitive Guide on Shadowlands 19's!

    Hello everyone! Digitalchemyst here with another guide! This guide will inform you of everything you need to know to play a level 19 character in Shadowlands (SL). Since the PTR is still up as of writing this, some information may change and will be updated as such. Let's jump into it...
  5. DigitalChemyst

    New US XP-OFF 19's Communities!

    In preparation for the leveling changes happening in just a few short weeks with Shadowlands, I am excited to give you the US communities for the new 19s bracket! Linked below are the Bnet, Alliance, and Horde communities. These communities will be dedicated to helping players group up for PVE...
  6. DigitalChemyst

    US So 39's... Who wants to play the "new" 19 bracket??

    Fellow 39's, it's been awhile... TLDR: Come bring your old GF'ed 39's to Stormrage to find new life as a 19! After the Twinkpocalypse of 2019, our bracket hasn't seen much action (though I have tried!). I know many of us have poured our hearts and souls into these treasured characters, and...
  7. DigitalChemyst

    PTR Titanforging & Corruption is dead!

    Best news out of SHL alpha yet!
  8. DigitalChemyst

    US Retail 39's Revival!

    Hello 39 Community, It has been exactly 1 year since the great twinkpocalypse and me having decided to step away from organizing events for the 39 community and well, I miss you guys. I want to see how many of you are ready to dust off your 39's now that you're all under forced quarantine (I...
  9. DigitalChemyst

    US XP-OFF BG Signups!

    TLDR: Everyone queue for XP-OFF WSG lvl 19 starting on 5 NOV @7PM EST/3PM PST! Even if you don't have a lvl 19, party sync with a lvl 10-19 to queue (everyone must be xp-locked)! I wanted to make a sign-up thread to gauge community interest for the return of actual XP-OFF BGs! If the community...
  10. DigitalChemyst

    WoW's 15th Anniversary XP-OFF BG's!!!

    *TLDR: If you queue with XP-OFF in the new BG on Tuesday, everyone will be in the same queue! If you want to do the other BGs, you MUST PARTY SYNC! Use the communities below to do that!* With the 15th anniversary event coming this Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to get in on the BG action...
  11. DigitalChemyst

    US Preparing for Arenas and Wargames

    In an effort to grow the competitive Vet scene in 20's (Arena is HOT right now), I would like to promote the idea of creating a second or third account in order for more people to quickly participate without the long wait. I know many people are currently gearing/re-rolling their toons, and are...
  12. DigitalChemyst

    Why YOU should support Classic

    Hello fellow twinkers and WoW players, Like me, I am sure that many of you are excited for the (re)release of Classic! But I also get asked all the time, why would you play a game that is 15 years old? Aren't you just trying to relive your glory days when Azeroth was still largely unknown? Take...
  13. DigitalChemyst

    US 39 Community: The End and The Beginning

    Well guys, it's been an incredible journey. I truly enjoyed meeting so many of you in game, and even a few outside it, but as they say all goods things must come to an end. And this is the end of an era. Last night, as evidenced by our showing, the 39 community has largely moved on. I wish it...
  14. DigitalChemyst

    US <Not Today ISIS> Now recruiting Vets!

    With the recent changes to XPon/off queues, many brackets will no longer have the numbers they once did, including our own 39s. While my heart will forever be taken by 39s, I realize the monumental task of organizing wargames and queues will likely be the deathknell to this incredible bracket...
  15. DigitalChemyst

    US <Not Today ISIS> Now recruiting Vets!

    With the recent changes to XPon/off queues, many brackets will no longer have the numbers they once did, including our own 39s. While my heart will forever be taken by 39s, I realize the monumental task of organizing wargames and queues will likely be the deathknell to this incredible bracket...
  16. DigitalChemyst

    US Official 39 Community nights!

    Thanks to everyone who attended the community meeting in response to the changes! I have to say I was quite pleased with the turn out! I'm gonna keep this short and summarize what we talked about so the rest of the community has a chance to chime in. 1. We are committed to keeping the 39...
  17. DigitalChemyst

    @Community Townhall Meeting

    So with all the craziness surrounding the patch, I want to offer a showing of support and strength! Tonight (MAR 14) @1030 PM EST, join me in the US 39 XPOFF discord for a meeting to discuss how we go on from here, and show that we CAN keep our community together as well as our bracket...
  18. DigitalChemyst

    PTR Changes

    It's that time again folks! Time to post up your observations on changes that are currently in the works on the PTR! I'll start this thing off with two small nerfs: First to the glorious stats chest enchant, tooltip says it's now +5 to all stats; and shadow armor for cloak is now +2 agi +5 armor...
  19. DigitalChemyst

    What is the best Christmas movie, and why is it Die Hard?

    Title says it all folks.
  20. DigitalChemyst

    US Not Today ISIS Recruitment Video! *TRIGGER WARNING*

    Without further adieu...