Search results

  1. miss you all

    hope you're all doing well i miss 20s :( believe it or not i can't hold back the tears, when i think back to what was , and what may never be again
  2. what should I roll next?

    it's been a while since I've played a caster in 20s and I think it's time I play one again. What should I roll? I've narrowed it down to priest, mage, warlock but I'd like others opinions, especially if you've played with me or against me will probably be playing horde now btw
  3. The Time Has Come

    "Victory at all costs"-Winston Churchill Since Shadowlands release I have played a level 20 vet windwalker monk and restoration/balance druid. They aren't the strongest but I think these are great fun specs to play. I have had many great moments on these two characters. I am a player who...
  4. 20 bgs

    how are bgs going? what bgs are available to 20s now? should i return? if i return will i be as dominant or go even further beyond in skill? if i just happened to be the michael jordan of 20s what spec(s) should i play?
  5. US 20s faction balance in random bgs

    i'm not the most active player i get on when i have time and I've tried during mornings, afternoons, evenings, late nights, middle of the night, alliance almost always has a 5 to 1 ratio of vets this is disgusting it makes random bgs not fun at all after months of carrying horde i'm thinking...
  6. US best of 20s

    Active players only no personal bias Druid- nurmagomedov, whatislove Hunter- dach, goohd, apexshotz Priest- spooch, jrmilk Mage- Paladin- rudi Shaman- dy Warrior- Warlock- Monk- Rogue-
  7. US LF solid horde BG communities

    I need horde 20s who will accept me for what I am I want to win every bg as much as I want to breathe, that is "fun" for me if there are any solid horde bg communities that won't kick me the first time I call someone out for shit plays, inv me give me the link
  8. US bringing greatness back to horde

    Bored of other games atm annoyed by 8.3 for my 120 accounts so I'm back in the 20-29 bracket. Replaced some hardware, sat up straight, played several BGs yesterday feel like I'm getting closer to my 2017 form every minute. I'll be better than ever in less than a week. Noticed a few alliance...
  9. US WSG 10v10 sign up

    wsg 10v10 if you want to play reply to thread with class and spec 20s only team 1 dps- fury warrior (me) dps- marksmanship hunter (apex) dps- marksmanship hunter (rancid) dps- dps- dps- heal- restoration druid (kracks) heal- heal- heal- team 2 dps- outlaw rogue (lob) dps- balance druid...
  10. US Best time to Q wsg + arathi

    WSG is the best bg Arathi 2nd best bg best time to Q specific wsg arathi is 5 pm cst - 11 pm cst GGs last night
  11. US Best of 20s

    Been back for a couple weeks. Here is my unbiased best of active 20s list. Will update. priest - spooch druid - whatislovexo hunter -apexshotz shaman - allusion monk - sabton warlock - kalabra warrior - warrbkill
  12. US <Elite> horde 20s community

    I'm back in 20s. Now is the time to take back the bracket. I want to create a community for elite horde 20s. Looking for old and new 20s. Not playing classic. I want to grow this community for wargames and pugs. To join message me or send a letter in game to Vøç-bleedinghollow. Important...
  13. EU+US LF info on epic procs

    Is there a way to guarantee epic procs or increase the chance?
  14. US WTB lvl 20 feet of the lynx bh horde

    WTB lvl 20 version of feet of the lynx and any other bis rogue pieces hmu Prefer lvl 20 version but can buy lvl 19 version feet of the lynx if u have lmk
  15. US Got the whole bracket shook pt2

    Back to 20s currently making a new rogue vet LF guild that will fund me stuff. Also LF help on what gear + weapons I need. No super rare low drop rate pieces please. I need this rogue finished in 2 weeks or less. BH horde - Vøç Going for high agility high stamina build Bump
  16. gotf

    Been away for some time Best way to get gotf to drop? Can I use dungeon finder?
  17. F2P vs Vet stat difference

    The current pvp meta is bad but I'm thinking about playing anyway. Can someone tell me on avg, what would be stat difference f2p vs vet. Main stat, health pool size, and secondary stats. If I decide to play, it will be a tauren balance/resto druid and every BG I will be playing to win.
  18. What should I play? 19, vet, or 29?

    Thinking 19s, bracket shook pt2? Vets, less fun version of mop 20s? 2 many lvlers? 29s, Q times?
  19. US Lf 29 horde guild bh

    Been away for a bit. Is bh still the main server for horde 29s? Lf a guild that can fund me a few enchants and help me gear a new rogue.
  20. US who wants to fund me a 19 rdruid

    Update: no longer need funding ;)