Search results

  1. Best class for soloing dungeons

    u dont need to kill packs, since u can clear trash with high lvl toon so this comes down to "best class for soloing bosses"
  2. best 49's profession?

    JC for ruby serpent trinket was a thing back in the days
  3. US Have these old boes

    sash is really good, chest has the same stats as blue bg crate one, so its not something unique
  4. elemental sham

    u stalemid, u stack 1-2 shocks, u coordinate with rogue and boomie and burst down someone in a splitsecond w/o any chances to react to that burst. but thats working only for well coordinated teams in wargames
  5. Question about actual rating–Kruger_effect
  6. Question about actual rating

    we must be playing different games but usually i dont even notice if leveler fury warrioar is on me even if he is wearing decent heirlooms and dungeon drops but missing crusader - he is absolutely harmless at the same time 22lvl halfnaked arcane mage can be such a pain in the ass
  7. Question about actual rating

    well if we are talking from this perspective than yeah - comparing prices on gfed items and 15-min-of-farm items is a good reason to make doctor appointment. and yes im exactly that person - wearing random looms and some trash picked up during leveling, contributing more than most of bis...
  8. Question about actual rating

    what a good load of crap zealot/claimore is very easy to get, there are tons of em on ah, retarded resellers usualy trying to sell this stuff for 5-10k for few days, but it allways ends up with 900g per blue boe sword at the end of the week. speaking of impact in ipvp: what makes real...
  9. elemental sham

    as elemental u stack gold to roll another character since u screwed this one as resto hate/pain/anguish in this order enh became extremeely week after the nerf, just be merciful to urself ofc with full vglad set
  10. Kickstarting a F2P account

    screw u
  11. Question about actual rating

    this logic works for almost every single class and spec
  12. Help with Arcane

    ofc u have to give up stam, thats the whole point of being glass cannon well i dont have gfd items nor CoR/BWB - 283 int+23sp, 10% vers, 1530 hp. I cld improve some of my gear(heirloom shoulder and pants) to get +2 int and some vers but i dont want that headache right now.
  13. Help with Arcane

    and thats why u roll troll mage 300+ int, 10% haste from gear, racial, drums, saltwater, clearcasting and berserker's buff is
  14. Twink Enchants

    incorrect its 300 now
  15. Twink Enchants

    ive noticed army dealt 3 times 87 dmg to 200 armor 20% vers paladin largest satyr's crit ive seen was 320(180 average non-crit) numbers speaking for army so far but i think i should test it more aoe part is a good point, but ppl doesnt use they cc properly most of the time, not to mention...
  16. Twink Enchants

    jcj power doesnt work anymore speaking of enchats - why ppl so obsessed with the hidden satyr it seems like mark of the distant army does x1,5 more dmg, let me know if im missing something - maybe satyr has much h8er prockrate?
  17. Best 1v1 class vs Rogue?

    fury has no chances against outlaw at 29 any healer will do the job
  18. Question about actual rating

    first of all i've kinda solved op's initial request so dont u dare talking about contribution second - i cant w8 to see u having much fun in 10x10 fury wars, every single rbg u queue in im not dramatizing btw for the last 2 weeks this is how eu 29 bracket looks like: 3-7 warriors on each side
  19. Question about actual rating

    oh cmon dont start this shit lol we all know why people like to play exactly fury warrior(have u ever seen arms on this bracket btw?) there is nothing about "unique" class stuff for vast majority of warrior players. i dont really judge them, but its hella boring to q into rbgs full of furies...
  20. Question about actual rating

    the right question is whats wrong with all these people voluntary playing fury warriors