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  1. Coolzo

    How to play a hunter.

    I saw the video start. I was bored due to the lame intro. I zoomed forward a bit. I saw an S-keying huntard and instantly turned it off. What is the point of this thread?
  2. Coolzo

    Perfect AP warrior

    /flex even more
  3. Coolzo

    What toon should I use my Shadowfang on?

    Either rogue or warrior. DPSadins scale best with AP at this level (Judgements), so even if SF was a DPS increase it would be only a very slight one compared to CB or BS, and... don't even get me started on all the reasons why Shadowfang on a hunter is bad.
  4. Coolzo

    Level 1 rogue spice!

    I always hated having to do with half-baked damage before level 10. Now, along with the stealth increase, I might actually be patient enough to level a rogue to 19.
  5. Coolzo

    3.3 10-19 changes

    I might actually start playing my 19 now. Perhaps a reason to rez my long-lost rogue (not to mention it's gonna be much easier to level now)?
  6. Coolzo

    Help me with my new 19 Warrior :D

    Not capping your hit is a bad mistake, I'm afraid (most notably against rogues). RNG FTL. Glyph of Hammy, a Bloodrage + Spamstring, and of course charging when neccesary/possible if from a range.
  7. Coolzo

    @ Ruin Twinks

    Smarty* Amirite?
  8. Coolzo

    Help me with my new 19 Warrior :D

    Just to clear up any confusion ;| Otherwise, yes, Duckhunt is correct about the stone/leggings/BoA.
  9. Coolzo

    Help me with my new 19 Warrior :D

    Glyph of Hamstring and Glyph of Charge are hands down the best glyphs for a 19 warr. Amusing you're not faction changing or have heirlooms, looks good. However I would highly recommend getting Spidersilk Drape, Simple Pearl Ring, and Deviate Scale Belt for capping your hit in arena/if you...
  10. Coolzo


    And that has what to do with health?
  11. Coolzo

    PTR movement discussion.

  12. Coolzo

    Lucid Dreaming, Sleep Health, & Dream Interpretation

    Hmm, sounds very intriguing. AFK reading about lucid dreaming.
  13. Coolzo


    That image... is sad.
  14. Coolzo

    Alliance PvP Items Fixed

    I can't find them at the accessories dude. Have they been moved or do I need to look harder?
  15. Coolzo

    Gear Snobbery

    Yeah if you're getting shit on the BG forums, or any WoW 'official' forum for that matter, don't be surprised. I would advise to stay away from them other than viewing the occasional joke or /facepalm post for a good laugh. Infact, I've found reading the class forums infinitely more useful than...
  16. Coolzo

    Your new Ogre Pally Healer is here!

    noice tred guiz can i has a poest
  17. Coolzo

    +100 health is back

    You just killed it. How dare you.
  18. Coolzo

    Cata further kills twinks here is why...

    I wish. SFs are such a pain in the ass in so many ways.
  19. Coolzo

    Egosvaultx of the Horde

    Well I did say it would be long, didn't I? I don't know how I could put it more simply.
  20. Coolzo

    Cata further kills twinks here is why...

    I essentially foresee the classic look of a twink changing slightly for each class, respectively. With possible better itemization on existing gear, reforging, guild progression, and just herilooms in general, we will likely be changing almost everything but the Shadowfangs and the goggles/hats...