funny, i'll continue with my own solution which right now seems to work quite well.
i advertise twinking in the trade channel of big cities.
you know getting the next generation of twinks in.
its quite simple and yet nobody ever does.
we're losing people on a daily basis, yet nobody wants to replace the people who left. so in the end we'll end up seeing the end of twinks and on the contrary to what you probably all think, its not blizzards fault but our own for deserting the game instead of the old staying and finding new solutions.
instead of bragging that my battlegroup is gone, i decided to train new comers and find people to play with. this is an MMO after all, with live humans on the other end of th elines. they are bound to listen to you and you'd all be surprise how many people dont even know what a twink is. most of them when you tell them actually love to do one and some says "whoa i already have a few BoA" and i tell them, its a start !
its been working good for now, getting new people into the no-xp BGs.
might also be why, because i am not alone on rivendare doing that, this might be why rivendare has almost instant queues during prime times !
heres another hint... you want PVP hop on PVP servers instead of the casual, better economy for twinks on PVE !
PVP servers seems to have less problem with BGs then you think.