Search results

  1. Mialo

    Tabards to complete your Transmog set

    Dat Arathor Battle Tabard :eek: Too awsum. Must have. Actually, those AB tabards are certainly the best looking ones around!
  2. Mialo

    EU+US Level 20 Resources

    Re: Heirloom currency converter Or you can just multiply the needed amount by 1.5
  3. Mialo

    Level 20 Resources (F2P)

    Re: Heirloom currency converter Or you can just multiply the needed amount by 1.5
  4. Mialo

    prot warrior

    Dodges that Eviscrate/Shield Slam/Execute finisher OOOOOWWWW YEA.
  5. Mialo

    are spriests viable?

    Well, you only have Mindflay and Mindblast at your disposal. You'll be reliant on using Holy Fire and some Smite in between to keep your damage going. You're lacking Shadowform aswell so you might just better be off being a Disc. Just my 2c.
  6. Mialo

    Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

    Re: Horde-Skilled Players Mialo Mialu Miale Miaflu Mialol Mialawl Miasdfslo Mìalu
  7. Mialo

    I don't get it. Why zerg the mage? (Or any other clothe class that doesn't heal)

    Mods still tend to have some power left around here :)
  8. Mialo

    I don't get it. Why zerg the mage? (Or any other clothe class that doesn't heal)

    Its a solid tactic. Unload on the Healer, get outhealed and not be able to down him, hardswap to an easy to kill target such as a Mage, Warlock, Rogue, ... Healer is now left solo without any worthy DPS around him.
  9. Mialo

    Questions & Answers

    I really have no idea actually. Found it. It was Rhaellia :)
  10. Mialo

    Questions & Answers

    Ofc I did exactly that. And I came across all his threads ofc. And I read them all ofc. And I found 1 pic, ofc. But the problem is: I need screenshots, not videos. And I know there have been posted some back then, but I just don't know where. Possibly in the SS thread but going over 150+ pages...
  11. Mialo

    Questions & Answers

    I've been looking for group screenshots from Purse 's DMF event and the Pool Party. Can't seem to find them. Anyone still has some?
  12. Mialo

    F2P 19 Wargame Battlegrounds and Arenas

    As Earl stated, you can play on Aerie Peak just fine. Generalizing this to all servers would be pushing it. While on AP my ms varies from 90 - 135 ms, on some other realms it can spike up to 500 ms.
  13. Mialo

    Questions & Answers

    But giving false information isn't smart either, is it? If you aren't sure about something, but still want to contribute, just mention you aren't 100% sure.
  14. Mialo

    Aerie Peak

    So you found your way to Aerie Peak? Didn't miss a turn left or right? Ok, good. Now, the really cool things are about to start! But how? Seriously. How? I want to group with all these supercool people and want to get lai ... started! Back when the animals still talked, our very own Yasueh...
  15. Mialo

    Aerie Peak

    Aerie Peak Update on 04/03/13 Shft The home of many F2P character. Its where it all started back in July 2011 and has since grown to the biggest F2P community. Daily premades (with multiple groups going at the same time), Random dungeon groups, arenas, good company, chitchat or any other...
  16. Mialo

    Questions & Answers

    Most importantly those pesky Explosive Shot's ...
  17. Mialo

    Hotfix: "Secondary stats will now scale properly in battlegrounds" - Tuesday Hotfix

    Re: Hotfix: "Secondary stats will now scale properly in battlegrounds" - Tuesday Hotf It is true?
  18. Mialo

    Questions & Answers

    Whatever you all might think, the whole idea behind this thread was indeed to use it for simple questions like this and to make sure the forums don't clutter with bullshit and nonsense. If people made new thread for every question that has been resolved in here, the amount would be endless (do...
  19. Mialo

    GG moving on

    How did you actually manage to still obtain a Snake's Hoop when that one was GF'd ages ago? Recently logged on and it changed from a Green to a Blue item?