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  1. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    wow. just. wow.
  2. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    I literally... can't. Autism levels... I said that if its the tourney wargame rules that give you stats regardless, any level of gear does not matter. With the ilvl 24 gear on, it will not matter if it is grandfathered or not. At all. Except maybe 1 or 2 pieces...
  3. Lyrarath

    EU+US gearing from invasions and pvp chest?

    Correct, but I believe he meant wpvp/pve. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt :p
  4. Lyrarath

    Oversight by Blizzard... Topkeks allowed?

    I mean...........................Night Elf Warriors?
  5. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    Like, holy shit...
  6. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    Hey, bud, have you read my posts at all before replying?
  7. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    I know. I was referring to if you do use the scaling rules, the ilvl 24 gear would not add very much of a difference if it did at all.
  8. Lyrarath

    EU+US gearing from invasions and pvp chest?

    Lore wise, I believe it is because we have slowed the Burning Legion from their ever-increasing invasion, and now we are going to where the largest pocket of them snuck through before we pushed them back. Though in a true, living, war, they would still get through randomly to areas like Deadwind...
  9. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    I see. Then I guess having GF'd gear on would not matter at all, making it useless to have rules against it. Also, if you have the ilvl 24 invasion gear on I imagine it wouldn't give you any additional bonuses aside from literally 1 or 2 ilvl (not average, but per item for 1-3 items). It does...
  10. Lyrarath

    Oversight by Blizzard... Topkeks allowed?

    Probably. Always the chance I am not, though.
  11. Lyrarath

    EU+US gearing from invasions and pvp chest?

    SADLY. I wish they were staying tbh, but it isn't really needed to stay in after Legion hits.
  12. Lyrarath

    @NWL Staff

    There's tournament gear for 19's?? Or did you mean in wargames you get buffed up there?
  13. Lyrarath

    My UI

    That gave me terminal cancer just looking at it.
  14. Lyrarath

    Darn broken cloudflare wont let me post on phone or pc -_- so, welcome Bop!

    Darn broken cloudflare wont let me post on phone or pc -_- so, welcome Bop!
  15. Lyrarath

    EU+US Will it be possible that anything in Legion(including bg blues) comes in "Warforged" quality?

    I think that the "WF" for PvP gear for low levels is going to be just the green, blue, purple rolls. Can we even roll epics? I haven't seen any (from BG crates). Would be interesting and fun if WF was added August 30th, though. Not against it at all (well... I am if I get all 9 34's from...
  16. Lyrarath

    Patch 7.0.3 Hotfixes - August 16, Invasion XP Hotfixed, Pre-Expansion Quests Live

    I would friggin LOVE a 100% chance >.> Though I imagine we are going to get Crystallized Fel (or another item) to work on armor instead of just weapons - rather than give us stronger items outright. If anything, I'd rather get rings, trinkets, neck, and cape (with stupid unique tags removed...
  17. Lyrarath

    Oversight by Blizzard... Topkeks allowed?

    This should also work for any twink level if they do add them to more classes. Level 1's would be hilarious, while 10's would be even stronger gods. Every bracket would be hilarious for a few hours/days/weeks (however long it takes them to fix) due to the slight damage boost from... ya know...
  18. Lyrarath

    Patch 7.0.3 Hotfixes - August 16, Invasion XP Hotfixed, Pre-Expansion Quests Live

    RIGHT? At this horrid pace I am only bothering on my new 19 Pally. I wish they were good enough to force me to want to farm on my 49 Priest and 19 Huntard as well...