No, no. I did read that all. I was trying to figure out how scaling worked after I read that you get a set template for tournament wargames. However, in the first place, just because you "missed the golden ticket," that does not mean that I should get ducked because you didn't get x item during y time when it was removed at z time. That is just like saying "YOU CAN'T USE INFERNO ROBE IN BGS BECAUSE ITS GONE!!!11!1!!1"
Because I max my twinks out and either let them sit on a shelf or stupidly delete them during times where twinks are unplayable, I have lost many items that are now GF'd. I don't care if you use them against me because I will bring everything in my arsenal against you that I can get my hands on i.e. darkmoon pots and vers food. Also the glider, potions, bombs, bandages, etc. If you were a true twink, I'd imagine you would bring them as well. Now that DoT's can tick higher than the HP pot, I'd imagine you would be retarded at best for bitching at me for healing 300 once a fight from hp pots.
Also, to all those crying that 90 (100 dual wield) overall ilvl is busted (6 avg ilvl) - it's LITERALLY only .6% increase in stats. I don't even get like 1 stam for that... Maybe I do, but it won't be 2 stam.