Search results

  1. Awkwyrd

    EU+US iLvL gear and 10's

    I think there is a good chance to see 19s for the first few weeks when nontwinks are levelling up in the new xpac. But after the excitement wears down we are going to become part of a larger low level BG world where twinks are good not just because they have slightly better gear but because they...
  2. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Tens Trials and Tribulations

    So I've been playing a Horde priest Tenative over on Bleeding Hollow. Me and Bigbitexd were in Westfall and this DK thought he would pwn us. Fontito the Patient, level 60, found that he had bit off more than he could chew and we planted a flag in his corpse.
  3. Awkwyrd

    EU+US where should I gank as my alliance?

    Southern Ashenvale is the best place. Horde come over the border from Northern Barrens and turn from blue to red. Another spot is outside of Grom'Gol Base Camp in STV. There are fewer Horde to pwn but it's an alternative when Ashenvale is crowded with level 100 "heroes" out ganking lowbies. My...
  4. Awkwyrd

    EU+US No loom 10s

    So you aren't a blood elf?
  5. Awkwyrd

    EU+US 10's Stat Scaling, Glorious multistrike

    Wait, Stam/Spirit food is going to turn into 4 Stamina and Versatility? cause that would be awesome!
  6. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Tens Trials and Tribulations

    I'm back. I grabbed the ring. Nothing else though. I lost the quest with the poison extraction totem during the transfer. Ganking as a lowbie horde is miserable. Far too many level 100 heroes out squishing lowbies.
  7. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Level 10 Rogue Gear

    I added some ilevels for items above the heirloom level or where there isn't an heirloom alternative.
  8. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Tens Trials and Tribulations

    So Awkwyrd has been a Blood Elf for a couple days. No BGs and the ganking is terrible. I finally used my racial to interrupt a Flash Heal. That toon is heading back to the good guy team.
  9. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    OK I'll add this. And I crafted a few Rejuv potions. The problem is that they do share a cooldown with the statues which I am already using. Thanks, as always. I could also use more info on what Engineering brings. I don't use it on my 10s.
  10. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    OK so I checked the neck heal for cooldowns and it looks like its the necklace itself and not the class. On my rogue his Eternal Will of the Martyr heal doesn't trigger a cooldown on health pots (what I'm calling Cooldown A) but when I created a Eternal Horizon Choker that heal did trigger the...
  11. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    The worst was getting there and finding out that the other faction had capped. Ouch.
  12. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    The Rumsey Rum Black Label used to give 15 stam and was the 2nd best option for health after the Halaani Whiskey. Now both are nerfed and Rumsey Rum Dark with 10 stam is tops. My 24 still has his hearth set for Shat for the run out to pick up more whiskey.
  13. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    OK so I started on the cooldowns. I think I have them right but I do want to include the necklace heals. i'll have to test that out. According to Wowhead they all share the same cooldown so meh.
  14. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Level 10 Rogue Gear

  15. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    Well the going is pretty slow but we are working on it. OK with all of these variables to healing I am going to do away with exact numbers and just concentrate on generalities and cooldowns. And yes, the glowing cat figurine. I have one right now on Awkwyrd. I just haven't gotten that far on...
  16. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    OK this is getting more complicated than I anticipated with all the slippery numbers. For healing I'm considering moving from precise numbers to a small, medium, and large heal model but also giving the shared cooldowns. Which means I would need to figure out which category each is in. I'm also...
  17. Awkwyrd

    EU+US BG's are back on!

    So jelly. I can only get to 22 by equipping my furbolg bag which obviously I'm not going to be fighting people with. Do we have any idea what the base ilevel is going to be for our bracket? Even if it's only 25 I would have a lot of trouble reaching that.
  18. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    I got the same or similar problem "stuck in combat" when I used the lasher root. It wouldn't reset the cooldown until I hearthed out. Thats a lot of info and spent time with my Mom today so I'll start adding this in tomorrow. Thanks as always.
  19. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    Thanks for the info. Does the CCF crit? That would explain the 4000 health heal. I need to find a buddy with a flying mount and farm some of those up. It looks to me like the Gladiator's healing pot is pretty rare. I didn't get one when I took a chest recently and how often do us 10s even...
  20. Awkwyrd

    EU+US Buffs and Accessories for Tens

    ...And two minutes later I get one to drop. So they are still around it's just that the drop rate is low.