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  1. US 10s/19s BG Bag Farm Battletags

    The 19 population on BleedingHollow has me so jealous. Definitely debating trying to fund some 19s over there. It's rough out here on our low-pop realms.
  2. US 10s/19s BG Bag Farm Battletags

    Is there anyway to have a cross server guild or group in game that we can get everyone on US into or are Guilds still battlegroup only?
  3. US 10s/19s BG Bag Farm Battletags

    Just glad we can get people together for games! Here;s to full BiS bag pieces by the weeks end!
  4. US 10s/19s BG Bag Farm Battletags

    Anyone who wants to throw together some people from here/a guild. Leave your Btag and twinks in the thread! Hopefully we can get some community randoms going! PhreakLogic#1454 19 Nelf Outlaw 19 Belf Outlaw 10 Gnome Disc 19 Human Fury
  5. EU Griftah rogue BiS Masks

    How does one get the whistle/farm the coins on a 19?
  6. EU+US Help With New Outlaw BiS

    That's true. I appreciate the advice man! Here's hoping for some good 19 wargames! Edit: How does one farm the dingy coins to get the ilvl 100 headpieces?
  7. EU+US Help With New Outlaw BiS

    Thank you so much. I have a 19 Belf Rogue on Frostmane, with Sunstrider and the old insignia, but no gold to get The Rock or Necklace. Will look into making that into a good rogue as well. Do you think it is worth it for a...
  8. EU+US Help With New Outlaw BiS

    I made a rogue to attempt some Instanced PvP twinking in the prepatch, no GFed items nothing. As if you started the character today. I'm trying to find what is the BiS for this and currently have this put together. *Note that I...
  9. Confused on my feral

    Everyone loves to. The noises I make when I die, are just cute af.
  10. Confused on my feral

    US. Probably looking to start fresh as well on a more 20 friendly server.
  11. Confused on my feral

    How'd you know!! I thought it was my own little secret.
  12. Confused on my feral

    I always forget how much I love this community. <3
  13. Confused on my feral

    I'll be making another class starting today. Just have to decide what its gonna be. Any ideas, I love melee damage.
  14. Confused on my feral

    No, I see what was happening. My profile isn't quite up to date for some reason. The Five Point FB after Roar and Tigers is insane. I was stacking the first five and going straight for bite instead of using my opening points to get the roar off. The damage is a bit crazy. Will be rolling...
  15. Confused on my feral

    So this is my first time twinking at 20 and decided to go Feral because everyone told me it was a very strong 20 class. I've been met with refusal to be included in group arenas and organized BGs because I can apparently "one-shot" people with 3-4k crits. I've yet to see any damage output...
  16. New 10 Hunter looking for advice

    I've begun implementing some of your recommendations. Starting to feel a bit more solid. Do 10 use any adding like Oqueue to get together? What would be the best way to get in touch with other 10 ingame?
  17. New 10 Hunter looking for advice

    Hey, I recently started working on a level 10 hunter twink. I'm looking for any advice to get myself up to par. Armory below. Thank you. :D Phrak @ Stonemaul - Community - World of Warcraft
  18. Thinking about doing a Trial twink....

    So I'm thinking about doing a Trial 20 Twink since my Main account is down, and WoW doesn't seem worth paying for at the time... Any suggestions on Faction and Class?
  19. What do we do now?

    Want something to do with it? Post in Chubs thread on the WoW forums, and let us all congregate and find some fun things to do! Characters below level 10 - Forums - World of Warcraft
  20. Lonely Level One on Frostmane

    I responded to your thread, Im going to try a few in game tickets as well.