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  1. US 101 Rogue Pieces on Stormrage

    i still have a epic WF'd relic but its holy so ye
  2. Island Expedition gear

    at 119 they are 286-302, so yes if it could proc sockets they could replace TW gear would be nice to see trinkets tho. some of the quest trinkets that are like 286(or higher if ur lucky with proc) are BIS for 119s so ill wait and see if theres any trinkets to be added

    TBC TW is coming up and we are gonna try a community run again, its on thursday 20:00 server time community link :
  4. do you know ?

    have a look at EU list, this guy is #1 HK in EU 1. Дэадгейм 4 718 019 Shaman Troll Soulflayer wow EU
  5. Trolling BFA BGs

    i wanna get hate whispers sad
  6. List PvP tier class for DPS?

    also ele god they are tanky
  7. List PvP tier class for DPS?

    agreed that enh shammys are very good for offhealing and 1v1ing (insta heals when u have maelstrom) also the last part about a warr not being able to outburst a enh shammy..perhaps in a 1v1 but in aoe ull lose 100% to a fury/prot war, yes prot war that aint a typo
  8. List PvP tier class for DPS?

    i wanna get a 300/310 weap for surv and see how it goes, i like the playstyle just dont have a good weap yet :(
  9. List PvP tier class for DPS?

    i know im enjoying my hunter twink allot XD so far highest aimed shot crit was a 49k with zerk and salt pot (and no not in temple :P)
  10. List PvP tier class for DPS?

    ye at the time i thought they are god tier but then i lvl'd my hunter to 119 and saw how much better it is so i could update the list and put them on S tier and assa rogues on A tier actually, also i would put hunters allot higher. thinking either S tier or even god tier (the thing is, if u play...
  11. 119 twink gear help/questions

    300(310 warforged) gear is from timewalking dung. i myself did lvl my hunter in bgs only because i wanted to have certain trinkets procced green/rare/epic at 119 lvl for highest ilvl. u can still do questing if thats what u wanna do (goes faster ofc), the pvp trinkets are still rly good. if u...
  12. 119 mage for pvp

    difference between a fire mage spamming greater pyro and 1 using actual spells with full tw gear is rly big, that is if ur not braindead :)
  13. 119 mage for pvp

    fire is actually rly good, theres a difference between having full 310 and 330/340 ofcourse but the difference between lvlers and 310 is bigger then 310 and 330/340. my rogue with anni gear actually gets outbursted by a fire mage with full tw gear for example
  14. 110 Quick Start Guide [BfA]

    yes :)
  15. EU 119 Community
  16. EU+US Pure pvp? the link for EU community
  17. List PvP tier class for DPS?

    u mind linking ur 119 hunter? thinking of making 1 but im not sure due not being able to have anniversary gear like my other twinks. god tier fury/prot war disc priest mw monk boomie sp (if enemy teams let you cast) outlaw S tier assa arc/fire mage ret/holy pally enh shammy guardian druid WW...
  18. Long AV's are fun!

    imagine if u had halo :)
  19. EU Horde 111-119 communities? (not sure but prolly the biggest horde community there is on EU)
  20. Upcoming Hotfix to Prevent Level 110 Players from Turning Off XP Gains

    ah rip, looking for Pservers atm anyway since i mained 119 for last 2 months or so