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  1. EU+US With a new map, comes new rules.. [TC19]

    I understand jumps are cool but unbind spacebar problem solved :)
  2. EU+US Versatility > all ... or is it?

    Vers is the master stat.
  3. US the forums don't reflect...

    So many on the community channel
  4. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    You'll see me around fo sho
  5. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Could you give me an invite if possible?
  6. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    What is the best current comminity besides the all in 1 one, for 19? I had one called 19 twinking hub or something before. Ally EU
  7. US freehold runs any realm

    Thats a steal guys, for that price.
  8. EU 19s EU Popping - some lessons!

    The links have expired FYI, also you can do one that doesnt expire ingame. @Bung

    Good :)
  10. EU Looking good for EU 19

    Thank you bro edit: your rogue f2p? impressive achievement points.
  11. How does banked xp work?

    As far as i know, you can lock aslong as you have the gold im 99% sure i did it the other week.
  12. How does banked xp work?

    We have had this thread a few times already, if your account was vet before the change, im guessing 7.x.x.. you wont bank xp, afterwards, you will. EDIT: You will ding, not sure if its capped.
  13. EU Looking good for EU 19

    Can you add the active communities to the thread please i can only find the xp on one, for all brackets, although i deleted a 19 with a nice 19 comminity which i have lost.
  14. Epic BoE Items

  15. Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    I'm 19 so wetlands is out also doing then all there's weapon rewards.
  16. Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    So made a nelf warr, did elwynn, dun morough, teldrasil, going through darkshore now, and this is my luck, all have same stats :/
  17. What happens to GF'ed twink ?

    Leather and mail are good for boe epics especially leather even weaps drop well no gun or bow boe
  18. EU Level One Rogue Help

    Be first to get royal dungui for 150 hp in classic
  19. Fastest way to lvl to 20

    The Murlocs in elwynn que big at 10 dungeon at 15 save all boxes til 20
  20. What happens to GF'ed twink ?

    Depends on the class some parts are boe