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  1. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Today, Dec. 1st, birthday-dailies are still available on many servers! Not all servers unfortunately...:( More free badges!:p
  2. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Yeah, new tabard: Tabard of the Earthen Ring! Fun fact: Logged in at 1pm today to buy the tokens from the time walking vendor and then: Birthday dailies were still available on german servers. (Unfortunately not on english servers, where my main is...) 25 badges extra, nice!:D Maybe this bug(?)...
  3. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Crystal's YouTube Channel

    No worries, Crystal. :) Your videos are fine. I always find it more interesting watching players gain some special achievements (e.g. Doubleagents videos) or some crazy PvE footage (those level 10s killing Felreaver) than watching boring double-fotm-arena videos too many here like to fap...
  4. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Yep. Be like her majesty the Queen of England: Get your Corgi!!!
  5. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Nah, we as f2p are used to burst bubbles. We get 375 badges per char max. No mailing. No 200 badges from Blizz's mail. So it's one or two items we can get this year per char. Or we decide to save the badges and hope for another similar event in coming years. We don't need bubbles, cause...
  6. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Ma'am, I apologise for my math fail. Of course it's only 6. I do all the achievements on my main, so Thunderfury comes first, Chocolate Cake recipe would be nice, but this 1.1% chance, oh my... I'll get the lvl70 fishing bags on my main instead (10% chance for a pet), as it is the only char (of...
  7. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Another thing: You can do the daily quest with a level 1 char. So you can get your Thunderfury and your Corgi (or 3 Corgis for you completionists) with a newly created throw-away-char and spare your mains' badges for pets, toys or tabards. Tabards that can be bought at friendly (Cata and WotLK...
  8. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

    Hi folks! The daily quest during the 12th birthday awards you 25 Timewarped Badges. For f2ps these can be used to buy lots of things which are unobtainable otherwise! -Commendation badges like Commendation of the Ebon Blade which increases reputation by 500. -A lot of toys, the cheapest being...
  9. Dimmuborgir

    EU Most active f2p EU realm for Alliance characters?

    I made a f2p-rp-char on a german rp-server (Playing rp makes more sense in your mother language). Der Gaukler means "The Juggler". I like to attend some of these nice rp-events (markets, exploring events,...) that happen there. The f2p restrictions are the biggest problem. No one >29 can read my...
  10. Dimmuborgir

    Darkmoon races bug?

    Nobody else experiencing that weird bug?
  11. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Darkmoon Daggermaw Drop Rates

    Yep. Since 7.0 hit the only (sensible) way to get them is to fish in wreckages.
  12. Dimmuborgir

    Darkmoon races bug?

    Is it just me or are the darkmoon races bugged? It takes me 1,5x longer to complete them, mostly because those speed boots to not increase my speed...
  13. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Legion Event Items vendor prices fixed

    Buying vs. selling price is the same. Just the totals of a 200 piece stack differ (150g <>250g) so Walnut Stocks just improve bag space. But with the max. 16 slot bags for f2ps still a good point...
  14. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Archeology rewards at skill 100

    Haha, you are my reference regarding f2p-achievements, so yes, you've got a personal stalker;) Edit: 122 artifacts so far -> 3 rares. Is this normal rng-luck? i guess so...
  15. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Legion Event Items vendor prices fixed

    I always gather Eternium Thread for my spare gold. Got 4k worth of it in my bank. What for? Who knows...:rolleyes:
  16. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Archeology rewards at skill 100

    That is exactly what I meant. I want to know which rares REALLY can drop for lvl20s with skill 100...;)
  17. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Archeology rewards at skill 100

    But I assume not all rares are available in those few digsites I have access to. (there are far more e.g. dwarf digsites in azeroth) So Kaldorei Wind Chimes or The Innkeeper's Daughter would be nice but most probable not obtainable at skill 100... ...or does is solely depend on...
  18. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Archeology rewards at skill 100

    Hi there! My archeology skill is capped at 100 and so far I found 3 rares: Ancient Amber Fossilized Hatchling Druid and Priest Statue Set Are there anymore rares to be found with skill 100? Perhaps Highborne Soul Mirror? I got some more on my older f2p-chars with skill 225, so would be nice...
  19. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Things to get for our 20s

    Ok... Even RP is a good possibility. I made a f2p RP char just for those 1-2 evenings a month when there are nice events, like markets, on german Rp-servers. Sometimes a nice alternative to all the...
  20. Dimmuborgir

    EU+US Things to get for our 20s

    I like achievement hunting on my f2p-priest. (At the moment 3250 Char-only without p2p help) You could try to fish the turtle-mount. Took me 12k fish... :eek: Aislingngaio has a list of pets you can get on his (her?) blog: Some pretty grindy pets...