Search results

  1. Help 60 ret pala!

    You want 20 STr gems. Str gives you parry as well as AP, PVP power only gives you "AP" in a sense.
  2. Coming back to the 60 bracket.

    Alliance needs more players, Games tend to happen at night 7Pm EAST(GMT+4)
  3. X-Realm Zones?

    Yes it is implimented. I was in a group on my horde 60 shaman with a bunch of other cross server 60s. We we're able to duel and inspect each other, but we could not trade.
  4. 60 shaman or warlock?

    4400 at 60
  5. Daemongate - Kel'Thuzad Alliance - 60 Shockadin

    A paladin, how original.
  6. <Screams of the Past> Recruitting for classic

    The reason why is because we took along a paladin cross server before. However we did not finish all of Aq40, we stopped at twin emps. Unknown to us the paladin we took along decided to get 85s and pug him the rest of it. The entire Screams guild was locked to that raid as well, so we got saved...
  7. <Merely a Setback> Recruitting for TBC

    Still recruiting, Did kara this week with 7 players. About 8 more have joined since then.
  8. LF a Pre-TBC PVE Guild / EU

    You're best bet is Screams of the past, however they are located on US. We do sometimes get EU players in our guild though, since we are the only one around. We used to have a druid from London who played with us. Originally we did not allow shamans in the guild, however after being active for...
  9. Bis?

    I don't know how assassin will work for PVP, but for PVE it works pretty well. Try to get 22 agility on boots instead of 32 AP
  10. Holy Paladin items.

    Pretty much BIS holy pally Amberclad @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
  11. ANY T3 60 twink armory links?

    puma is heywoodz, he renamed sometime last fall.
  12. Real ID raiding

    the only active raiding guild is Screams of the past, however they do not use Real ID.
  13. 60 Armory List (no 64 and no dks)

    He is correct, also the guild i'm in does not allow non vanilla enchants for raiding purposes. For PVP you can use whatever you wish.
  14. 60 Armory List (no 64 and no dks)

    Combat rogue Allapologies @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Full PVE/Vanilla only BIS combat rogue(also have sub and assassin specs too) Over two years of raiding experience on this rogue. I know all three specs rather well, ask anything you need.
  15. ANY T3 60 twink armory links?

    Currently has atiesh, and 2 or 3 pieces of tier 3. All obtained during vanilla
  16. New to the bracket. Rogue help needed!

    Copied from the Screams of the Past classic information section. Please note, in Screams we only allow classic enchants and no glyphs. This set also applies to combat, but in pvp it wouldn't matter and i actually recommend using this set for the improved evis damage, and of course switch out a...