Search results

  1. Lith-

    Brewmasters.. Blizz pls.

    Even without clash Brewmaster can bring a lot to the table. Especially when comparing to other classes
  2. Lith-

    20s in Arenas. You're saved.
  3. Lith-

    Brewmasters.. Blizz pls.

    This is an intentional change to tanking classes due to Blizzard changing up the raid structure for WoD. It just so happens that it makes it just a wee bit imbalanced at lower levels, but as we all know. Blizzard doesn't cater to the 2% of subscribers that twink, much less the trials that play...
  4. Lith-

    Brewmasters.. Blizz pls.

  5. Lith-

    20-29s Armory List

    Re: 29s Armory List To clarify. I am a DPS Brewmaster, not a stam stacking tank. Bonus Armor gives 1 ap now. Thats why i have armor to gloves, and Shadow Armor to cloak. As for boots, well my server gets a little interesting when it comes to finding enchanters. Also i'd like to note that my...
  6. Lith-

    new monk 26/28/29

    29 for more stats from BoAs
  7. Lith-

    Inc FoTM

    That AV was super fun last night. Belf silence, warstomp, and ele knock is SOOO op in the horde towers.. Well played all parties involved.
  8. Lith-

    20-29s Armory List

    Re: 29s Armory List What am i missing? :P
  9. Lith-

    Dancing Steel BiS?

    It depends on preference. Different enchants have different proc per minute (PPM) rates, and also different internal ICD's. Dancing Steel doesn't seem to have any ICD, and the PPM is insanely high. But it doesn't proc the most stats. Do some research and play with what you like. Most enchants...
  10. Lith-

    20-29s Armory List

    Re: 29s Armory List Brewmaster: Lithyy @ Lightbringer - Community - World of Warcraft
  11. Lith-

    US Random Queue Times.

    Im all in for anything premade related. Gilneas night would be fun aswell. Playing the BG today, it actually seems quite balanced for 29s, its perfect size for the mount speed. The only thing i can think of off the top is alliance side has a huge advantage due to worgen druids being able to fast...
  12. Lith-

    US Random Queue Times.

    I think it would help if we all just either queued for BGs, OR Arenas, and not queue for both. I think the queue pauses while in arena, which then makes it much longer for everyone else. Just a theory, anyone have any thoughts on this? Ideally with randoms queues should be faster but i don't...
  13. Lith-

    Should i be leveling to 29?

    What twink changes are coming with the Patch tomorrow?
  14. Lith-

    Top Flag Captures & Returns List

    Caps: Alliance Shaman: Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft Horde Shaman: Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft Returns: Ally Hunter: Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft
  15. Lith-

    <Sua Sponte> Recruiting.

    Thanks for the bump. We've made our name in this bracket though; good effort.
  16. Lith-

    RIP Leusha, You will never be forgotten.

    This honestly ruined my day. A lot of people know Luesha from the 19s, but he was also a very active member in the 24s. Luesha played with us every Thursday night for our in-house wargame night for months. He was well respected in the 24s, and many can agree that he had no beef with anyone...
  17. Lith-

    20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread! Use this for reference, cheerleader. In the mean time i'll continue to wait for the highschool dropout to respond.
  18. Lith-

    20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread! This is the twink bracket. I did not ones say at 90. Endgame PvP means nothing. This is 2013 - I've done my share of endgame arenas, and quite frankly got high as fuck but am not here to gloat about ratings, or people whom i may or may not have played with because...
  19. Lith-

    20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread! Nope. We just stopped giving a shit about these idiots. We've heard from multiple sources that Yowz and Barb are players who take this game far too serious. Players who aren't anything special, but instead claim to be top dogs because of their...
  20. Lith-

    Skill Ratio vs Sua Sponte score predictions

    Nope. Actually we aren't.