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  1. Kutotems

    Old Ass Twink.

    Dont worry, barb still drops! the 2nd boss drops it like candy now.
  2. Kutotems

    Can 24s destroying F2P twinks be compared to the old days of twinking?

    After a deep seeded discussion with some friends of mine, alot of thinking and comparing. Im willing to say that playing a 24 can be compared to the old days of twinking. (pre 3.2) Granted, you arent getting the stupid numbskulls who grab the flag with 500 hp and run through 10 of them and lose...
  3. Kutotems

    Old Ass Twink.

    I think you should definitely gear him out again. The Defias chest can be great for some transmog gear, itd be a first for me to see a rogue in full defias at lvl 19 with 2 cruel barbs transmog. Also, rogues are great as is, so after some well spent time and effort youll be back to destroying...
  4. Kutotems

    The Pros and Cons to each class

    Im loving the help here, guys! All we need is the pros and cons to Priests, locks, and paladins ( i could fill them in myself but that may subject me to getting laughed at) Comment if you disagree with a certain pro or con!
  5. Kutotems

    The state of Warlocks in MoP

    let me start off with some clarifications:This thread is to discuss talent changes, not gear, but if the spec cannot work with the gear, feel free to let it be known. Also, I know there is a thread dedicated to showing stats and such for certain classes @ 19, but i looked through and i didnt see...
  6. Kutotems

    The Pros and Cons to each class

    I want to discuss the state of each class at level 19, both now and in the expansion years to come. I would love to know the pros and cons about each class, ill try to update the post as much as i can, but as of right now, the slate is clean. The goal here is to let all newcomers or returners to...
  7. Kutotems

    60 twink warlock

    agreed^. i played 60s during 3.2 all the way to 3.3.3, and though i didnt play one, a tap dotting lock or a demo lock looked like the most fun thing in the world. Demo had Demo form back then though, so i suppose its out of consideration for you. Nevertheless, locks are so underplayed and...
  8. Kutotems

    Catch me up please

    thanks! i was thinking of making my 62 rogue a 64 twink, because i have been a sub rogue twink when they sucked at when they were good (I was backstab/ambush at 19, 29, and 39, when Sinister and Hemo were considered better). I have alot of old stuff on the toon (seargent from 39 twinking in...
  9. Kutotems

    Catch me up please

    I played 60s in the Nightfall bracket from 3.2 to 3.3.3, on a vanilla account in the XP BGs, 1 shottin n00bs with a ret paladin in full gemmed gear, and 4v30ing horde with some guildies. I want to come back to the game, but its been awhile, so i was hoping that people could catch me up. What...
  10. Kutotems

    best 70 paladin

    Yeah, the only hard one to get is blitz, that takes alot of time and coordination at 70, only one i have is on my old 60, got it with Qpac back when you could get into XP AVs with 60 capped accs. Ive gotten all the other Cheivies in PuG BGs
  11. Kutotems


    Im rolling shaman t6 and engi goggles (armory is in signature), I wish i could get shaman t3, i think it looks the best, along with the mace from Old school KT (and the shield, too). I might farm out my full 2.5 setpeices with mace and carapace shield.
  12. Kutotems

    best 70 paladin

    yeah, your calling yourself good dude, im open to deciding it, cause you obviously are doing something right as prot at 70, rather than facerolling ret or holy to the top. Battlemaster is easily obtained, a competent minded n00b could get it easily. you just have to BG alot. (btw i know my 70...
  13. Kutotems

    best 70 paladin

    He win traded his RBG acheivements with Retro, Might have arena master too but nowadays 2/3/5s are all EZ if you have tazik or synapse or a frost mage. thats why i dont do arena at 70s (its mostly cause i hate playing resto on my shaman, and im convinced that ele is better in most aspects...
  14. Kutotems

    Are 60s Active?

    Not quite enough for me, and guilds wargaming each other creates the thought of other guilds that we wintrade
  15. Kutotems

    Are 60s Active?

    i havent played 60s in a long time, and i wanted to come back to them but i wasnt sure if they were active or not. are they active?
  16. Kutotems

    Shamans at 19

    Thanks! my toons at 19 atm, and i tried a focus macro with interupts, purges and shocks in an XP on match with a guildmate of mine as resto, and i didnt do too good, the direct heals arent good enough, Shamans need Healing surge to be viable as resto.
  17. Kutotems

    Shamans at 19

    Im new to the bracket (technically). I played before and during 3.2, but since then ive been doing 60s and 70s. Raiding Guildy asked me if i wanted to do 19s with him and some other guildmates, so i said sure. Ive decided to make a shaman, but im not sure if Spellhance is the best anymore (it...
  18. Kutotems


    Enhancement is viable, its just hard to play, if you dont spec and glyph and gear right your screwed. check my armory, ill sit in my enhancement gear for pvp so u can see my gear. and my glyphs may not be correct as i changed my OS from ele to enhance recently
  19. Kutotems

    been farming apolyon

    Friend of mine has been doing sunwell 3 months. no drops QQ. one week he didnt go it drops. my other friend won it, put +2 beastslaying on it and gemmed it with 3 +20 spirit gems.
  20. Kutotems

    60s BGs are they active?

    Im thinking of doing 60s again (i did 60s a while back after 3.2 for about a year) and i wanted to know the FAQs in a sense. do 60 BGs pop? what times? are 64s worth leveling from 60 for? PvE or PvP? any 60 guilds? Engi and __? (other professions) Also a link for a 60 rogue and 64 rogue would...