best 70 paladin

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1925 rated?
He win traded his RBG acheivements with Retro, Might have arena master too but nowadays 2/3/5s are all EZ if you have tazik or synapse or a frost mage. thats why i dont do arena at 70s (its mostly cause i hate playing resto on my shaman, and im convinced that ele is better in most aspects anyways, but others wont beleive it, id rather dmg than have to focus macro this and pump fake this and oh heal me or hey heal me man), they are imbalanced. Ive played with Gladqt alot, hes good, but #1 world is debatable, id say a guaranteed top 10 imo, id call him #1 if he didnt wintrade RBGs to get his grand marshal.
yeah, your calling yourself good dude, im open to deciding it, cause you obviously are doing something right as prot at 70, rather than facerolling ret or holy to the top. Battlemaster is easily obtained, a competent minded n00b could get it easily. you just have to BG alot. (btw i know my 70 doesnt have 2200 or battlemaster or w/e, but i just dont have the time atm. School > WoW
meh, it was cooler before the dumb patch took out blitz, and i got mine in like august or something
Yeah, the only hard one to get is blitz, that takes alot of time and coordination at 70, only one i have is on my old 60, got it with Qpac back when you could get into XP AVs with 60 capped accs. Ive gotten all the other Cheivies in PuG BGs
i want u to know that ur actually very bad, and that u will stay this way for the remainder of ur wow carreer
This paladin has been very well known for wintrading.. lol
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