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  1. 3 irl friends starting in the 40's bracket

    YouTube - Ã￾oßßy Level 70 fire mage PvP 4.0.6 - Engineering Montage Just sayin'
  2. New "Charged gear of..." rings !

    I used shadow resist sets extensively back in the day. Of course, I was a Draenei Paladin with racial&Aura at the time. Basically anytime there were a lot of warlocks/shadowpriests (or I wanted to kill a priest) I'd swap rings/cloak and switch aura for a quick 72 shadow resist (11 SR from...
  3. XP-ON BGs

    There's a good chance you caught a BG weekend win on that. My recollection of them was something like half a level (without BoA's). Not sure Call to Arms gives that much, or if they've changed other things since I played, though.
  4. New to 49's

    I'd believe it in XP on thanks to resil epics... but if that's happening in XPoff, wow.
  5. What to play?

    Also not free, and requiring a fairly decent gaming machine: TES IV: Oblivion on PC of course, and mod the crap out of it. IV - Oblivion - Bethesda Softworks Forums
  6. How overpowered are twinks in this bracket?

    twinks are only moderatly overpowered in this bracket, due to DK's leaving the starter area as semitwinks themselves, and many folks picking up a good amount of BC gear to PVP in at 58 59.
  7. How to have passive CC at 49

    Not to be an ass, but you basically just reworded what I said. Mmm shouldn't be that hard actually, since it should scale off YOUR level and it procs from YOU being attacked, just go grab a bunch of lowlevel mobs with a 49 who can either heal or tank (or both). Racking up 1000 hits on...
  8. Natural Selection mod for Half Life

    Anyone here ever play that back in the day? I got all nostalgic after running across a beta vid of NS2 on youtube. Natural Selection in the first few months after it was released is still my all time best game experience. Ever watched Alien(s)? Imagine actually being one of those marines...
  9. How to have passive CC at 49

    Mmmm I can't offer any evidence to back me up on this, but I recall sometime around the release of BC, most Vanilla stuff(along with all new stuff) with procs was changed to have a degrading chance of proc'ing as you got higher level (hand of justice comes to mind). Green Whelp Armor might be an...
  10. 54 Bg's

    Er, they were good enough, I'm pretty sure the lack of numbers was backlash over the HUGE number of them after Wrath hit. Re: Goon I'm not sure where you got the idea to twink 54, I've never heard of anyone *actually* twinking it... g'luck?
  11. How to have passive CC at 49

    Green whelp armor isn't all that useful, tbh. It breaks on damage, plus I'm fairly certain the proc chance diminishes as you go past level 30 or 35. The damage thing is the killer though. Reflect shields(including thorns and ret aura afaik) on you, dots on your attacker(s), friendlies...
  12. 79's?

    I've seen a lot of folks in cata greens, but only ran into a couple taking it seriously, equipped with dungeon gear. Wondering if anyone else here is doing it (yeah, just messing around in XP-on WSG, still). I've got a fully green'd warrior, gonna go for dungeon gear once I can get all my...
  13. Hunters are far from real

    To be fair to the OP, I'm pretty sure aimed shot IS a 3sec cast time, no matter what the patch notes say. My tooltip says 2.87 (I have some minor haste) and running a stopwatch gave me right around 3 seconds.
  14. Hunters are far from real

    Bullshit. I've played the 59 bracket extensivly. Pyro is the only spell that has a 3+ cast time now, and it doesn't hit for shit compared to aimed shot. My biggest crits were as Arcane between 4.01 and 4.03, 8.4k from a 4stack of arcane blast on target dummies. Potentially over 10k in a BG with...
  15. 54 Prot Paladin Question(PvE, Don't Hate)

    Sorry, I'm not really into theorycrafting for the sake of theorycrafting. Gotta have some practical application for me, and I'm just not getting yours. It was clear *what* you were looking for from the start. I just don't get the "why".
  16. 54 Prot Paladin Question(PvE, Don't Hate)

    I'm at a loss as to how to take this post, in general. What, exactly, is the appeal in making a level 54 pve-dungeon-soloing-twink? And anyway, it's lowlevel dungeon PVE. You could probably do it in greens. "best" doesn't really matter for non-endgame-pve. I was easily capable of...
  17. 59 PVP video(s)

    It IS bound. I just don't remember what too >.>. I don't really do arenas (pretty frustrating with my ping) so I don't have the muscle memory for the keybinds on my long CD's (hard to practice using 5min cd's :-/) Also, vs the Spriest/frostmage, it was on CD and I was pretty much fucked...
  18. 49's US

    The merging is incomplete, last I checked. I queued up with my 49 twink on Ner'zhul, Bloodlust battlegroup (yes, with XP-off) when I *knew* games were actually occuring in Ruin. My queue time simply said "unavailible" and I never saw a pop in over half an hour of waiting. I'm also fairly...
  19. Most Health you've seen.

    I think you mean "doesn't stack with" Thanks to the new buff system.
  20. 59 PVP video(s)

    Yeah, most folks I faced were definetly scrubs, the fun comes from taking on several at once. Also, as you might be able to tell, much of the time my 'net connection is... poor, so I've got that added challenge. I've run into a few decent players, but I don't think I caught any of 'em on...