New to 49's


Hey so here is my story:

I used to have a couple twinks pre-wotlk and now I want to start a new twink. Just got back into wow and have a few questions:

1. What is a good horde pvp guild that I could join? (meaning fun, pretty active, not too serious and give me a little help with starting out)

2. What would be the most fun Orc twink to play? (for some reason I'm obsessed with orcs and I love their racials) I was thinking rogue, warrior, or hunter but I'm open to suggestions.

Welcome back! For more details to help answer your questions, let me refer you to the 49 thread on the official WoW forums:

49 Bracket [Mon, Thur, Sat @ 8PM CST] v2.0 - Forums - World of Warcraft

They'll know where to direct you. From your choices, I'm guessing they'll recommend the warrior or rogue, as Horde 49s have several hunters now (and hunters are currently considered a FOTM class).

Since you haven't played after the no-XP patch, I wanted to update you with two important things. One, XP-off battlegrounds are a ton of fun! And two, the 49 bracket hits harder than any other XP-off bracket in play right now. It makes for some intense games, and I love it. But a fully-twinked 49 can get burned down in 3 seconds flat if they're not careful. Be prepared! :)

Looking forward to seeing you on the field!
Gotcha. I do love the warrior because I love rolling in and hitting like a Mac Truck and being able to take some hits. It sucks theres no intercept anymore because having two charges was awesome. Getting kited was the worst thing ever.
Hotpockets said:
False. 70s hit a lot harder. ;)

Right. :) You hit a lot harder in 70s because you actually know what you're doing. In no other bracket can I grab the flag in WSG and carry it across the field with no support and five people beating on me.
you can go 1v5 while running across the field? resto sham vs people hitting with twigs?
Falkor said:
you can go 1v5 while running across the field? resto sham vs people hitting with twigs?

You got it. About halfway across the field, one of the pallies remembered that they have a stun, so that slowed things a bit. It was a ridiculous scene.
So, you're saying that as a healer, you could run across the field with 5 dps on you and still not die? Why again do people persist that 70s are the most fun and balanced bracket? That doesn't really sound fun or balanced to me.
RizenPhoenix said:
So, you're saying that as a healer, you could run across the field with 5 dps on you and still not die? Why again do people persist that 70s are the most fun and balanced bracket? That doesn't really sound fun or balanced to me.

Probably because it rarely ever happens, and after 4.1 it's going to happen even less because Resto Shaman are getting the nerf bat.
same with resil. nice triple whammy for resto shams
Alright, to clarify, and to bring this back on topic....

Parading 5 opponents across WSG had nothing to do with class imbalance. The bracket is indeed the most balanced, technically, of any bracket I've played, past or present. It's that the average skill level of the bracket is in the basement, compared to any other XP-off bracket I know. The incoming nerfs won't change that, and the incoming spirit link totem will give resto shamans another emergency out when a teammate's around. Which is a shame, because really, resto shamans could use a nerf.

That said, you're saying your 70 mage hits harder than your 49 mage, relative to the typical health/resil in the bracket, Pockets? If so, you may be the only mage who can say that. Which goes back to what I was saying about the "average skill of the bracket". 49s, as a combination of mechanics and skill (the proportion having variations, of course), hit harder than any other bracket.

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