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  1. DUEL : 29 warr Protection vs level 35 warr

    is it just me, or did the 35 nontwink really kicked your butt?!
  2. 29 Rogue twink help!

    ok, dunno which race and faction so i picked a human but put an insignia in and avoided faction specific item like CoFS. balanced setup with druid boots/stamina, not capped against nelfs, no engi needed: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner the more burst build, rog...
  3. PC: Account, 19 Rogue, 19 Druid, 80 Mage

    350-500€ if you dont have to sell it the fast way.
  4. Hitrating needed for higher level mobs?

    kutty + x did some pve when the xp lock was live... maybe you can poke em ingame, they did a lot of research and hitstacking.
  5. 19 Rogue Complete Guide - 3.2.2

    you are still wrong on your chardevs + many other things. enchants for example. a rogue lookin for max dmg/dps/burst should allways go with dual fiery. LS/fiery for a more defensive setup and LS/agi in melee duells. in no way a rogue will ever use the proc chant in OH with a statchant in MH...
  6. 19 Warrior Glyphs and Weapon Enchant

    no matter if it stacks or not, the extra burst fiery grants on a slow 2H weapon is far superior. the point of SnB -> 2H is to get huge burst out of the uptime and not to refresh the sader proc. gaining another 100str is nice, but you just wasted all your rage when it procs and will likely get a...
  7. 19 Warrior Glyphs and Weapon Enchant

    snb to 2h/fiery ^thats what i did before leveling to 27 fo da CM :-) problem is, that the tools are rare and you need heal+2 attackers to really keep some rage to burst after proc. if not you will waste all your rage for hamstring/sunder/TC to deal dmg and trigger sader. it is my...
  8. 19 Rogue Complete Guide - 3.2.2

    oh shit, all my life i thought 10 rating is just ~4,7% and it needs one more point to get 5%. dmn it, thx for opening my eyes! ... closed my eyes again. the pink elephants confused me. ---------- sry for fooling around, but you really should mark your guide as draft and...
  9. 29 druid, sucks?

    i tried that without BoA and travel form and it didnt work. in 39 it is a huge fun (in BGs) though. you can not access insect swarm, so you can only MFdot + wrath spam. not a bad idea if you can reach a reghut every now and then^^ 1v1 should still be a hard time.
  10. 19 Rogue Complete Guide - 3.2.2

    if you quote, then do it right. it is is an armor set. hitcap is 5% for melee and you need 11rating to cap. nope, but i dont think he should promote himself to be the coach.
  11. 19 Rogue Complete Guide - 3.2.2

    arena set without 3xfang and thrown. max dmg set not even hitcapped. 15agi MH and LS OH. FC with shadowfang and thrash, no stam gear but thick bronze neck. enchant with dodgerating words, get imp stealth instead. expertise gear not even mentioned. lets have a second look at...
  12. Starting another twink rogue

    if you stack hit and expertise, take a look at thrash blade OH.
  13. Best Ranged wep for 19 Dwarf Hunter?

    nope. it is just a matter of style...the venomstrike is better in this case.
  14. Best Ranged wep for 19 Dwarf Hunter?

    cannon > bow cannon > venom most of the time. it is coz of ammo and crit almost make up for the dps/proc and it is 0.5 slower. you gain ~1,7% crit and 0,2 dps and larger hits while kiting...but the venomproc will be at around 5%. the overall dmg/dps in a normal fight/arena/BG should still...
  15. Help me with my new 19 Warrior :D

    you can make it 4str and 4agi and nothing changes (WSG ring).
  16. One day we will return to BG

    muha, thx kuttz^^ cu in november dude!
  17. Help me with my new 19 Warrior :D

    well, lets have a look at the "more". 4 hit rating is ~1,8% hit -> 1,8% dmg + the tools 3str/3agi is 6AP(~0,5dps white) and ~0,6% crit. do you really think that this can make up for missed hamstring, rend, sunder, whitehits, shield bash, disarm...
  18. Help me with my new 19 Warrior :D

    BND is BundesNachrichtenDienst.... Bundesnachrichtendienst
  19. soloing Gnomeregan with 29 warr

    hmpf, the pioneer of twink pve is an unskilled loltla noob with a life. gratz to the community.