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  1. What are the best classes in the 29 bracket?

    i would never play any meele dps in the 29 bracket without free action potions lol. they make killing huntards ez mode.
  2. 29 Hunter: how good is 15% xtra damage to Arcane shots

    who has maby 1k hk's. i only played him the week i made him lol. i cant stand to play him hes so ez mode. hes my current bank toon.
  3. What are the best classes in the 29 bracket?

    i had a 29 war in tbc and he was amazing. i cant imagin they suck now. any one that thinks wars suck is because they suck at using theirs or their enemies suck with theirs. im going to make another to go with the 29 pally and rogue im making and cant believe they would be at the bottom of the...
  4. 29 Hunter: how good is 15% xtra damage to Arcane shots

    typical huntard twink player.
  5. What would you want back?

    i want 11-20, 21-30, etc bg's back most of all. i miss my level 30 shammy twink 1 shotting every one with windfury corpsemaker. and also fishing boots and librams.
  6. DPS shammy

    my shaman is mafiozo in sig. hes built as a sort of damage/survivability/healing weird spec but it works amazingly well for me. i can pump out huge damage with lightningbolt/earth shock. earth shock crits for the 350's with orc racial if i remember correctly and ive hit lightningbolt for nearly...
  7. 29 ret soon to be dead?

    i would assume ret is going to be better with the constant soc damage, infinate mana, and huge burst from exorcise. maby a bit less bursty without soc doing as much damage as it did but you will always soc proc now so your sustained damage will be alot higher.
  8. Ret Pally Info?

    you benefit your enemy by gimping you damage, thats if you switch from corpsemaker to cobalt. thats about it.
  9. Requests

    i think shammy burst is amazing, can easily hit someone for 800damage in 1 sec. more if i use orc trinket racial.
  10. Requests

    i like my shammy(mafiozo in sig) crits earth shock for 300 and ive hit a lightning bolt for 475. just i dont play him much because blackrock has the worst twink community ever. i am gona transfer him somewhere however and hes loaded with twink gear since blackrock has zero twinks lol. he has 5...
  11. 29 Fury Warrior Help

    i would say taste for blood heavly favors a slow 2hander since it gives you an on command instant cast attack with 70%crit ish.
  12. 29 Fury Warrior Help

    nightelf war with taste for blood spec, corpsemaker, and free action potions is win lol.
  13. Building a new UD Rogue.

    edited old post. i thought i was good with that old setup but since making the changes i edited in, my rogue is 100% better.
  14. Building a new UD Rogue.

    i was in the agi > all crowd for weapon enchants but i finally made the switch to dual fiery and i do a ton better in bg's and still dont die to other rogues. my rogue is twinkordie in sig. Edit: it hasnt updated my char but ive switched from westfall tunic to defias, and deviate gloves to...
  15. warlock sp or stam?

    sp imo, my lock is gearoverskil in my sig. 1.2k hp self buffed 131shadow power orc trinketed to 172. hes awesom and still missing gear (fishing hat and agm) and proffs (herb and mining when i get fishing hat)
  16. Requests

    ret pally guide for patch 3.2 please
  17. WTS <shadowfang> (H) dalv

    is this still for sale or no?
  18. new 19 twink lock

    mine is gearoverskil in sig. i love him.
  19. 19 Rogue Build help.

    on my rogue (human) i swap fang gloves for expertise gloves and deviate belt for fang belt when im stacking expertise for a rogue fight. it has worked well for me so far and i run hit pots so im still at 10hit.
  20. Rate My Twink!

    i would drop skinning for herb then drop engin and pick up skinning when you get fishing hat but thats just me.