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  1. @pizza Don't afk your BG's or this happens

    I don't keybind because i find it easier to hit 1234. I've just been used to that since the beginning and it gets me by quite fine.
  2. What should I change on my pally

    Why would I use redbeard when I have dreadskull? Lol? I'm using those silk boots for the Hit and for my Spells such as Avengers shield(right spell?) My boots are there for the Int for Avengers shield again and the stamina. would it really be neccissary to change it?
  3. What should I change on my pally

    Not trolling actually. Nice try though.
  4. What should I change on my pally

    You mad? Looks like your the one is butthurt backing up your little butt buddy. get the fuck out of here kiss ass bitch.
  5. What should I change on my pally

    I didn't ask for you to bitch. Other people dont have the same gear as me. I'm just asking what i can change. If your gonna get all butthurt about it leave the fucking post.
  6. What should I change on my pally

    The World of Warcraft Armory - Vanceburton @ Thunderhorn - Profile Besides Heriloom Shoulders, AGM, Lucky fishing and PVP trink, Stam back and Waist. Trying to do a Prot/Dps mix somthing like this(not a flag carrier):
  7. Twinking in Cataclysm

    Do you think they will be enough to replace a fishing hat?
  8. Twinking in Cataclysm

    Will Lucky fishing hat even be worth it? will there be somthing better? What should a 19 prot DPS pally get?
  9. Battlegroup has begun?

    Blizzard better fix vindication. I almost NEVER get a bg pop
  10. Holy Shockadin Gear?

  11. Holy Shockadin Gear?

    What gear should i use? can anyone give me a chardev. or any armory.
  12. Next 19 twink

    Thats probably gonna be nerfed lol.
  13. Next 19 twink

    Why level 10 lol?
  14. Next 19 twink

    Thanks for the idiotic reply.
  15. [19 - Cataclysm/Patch 4.0] Class/Specc viability

    Druids get Boomkin form at 20 right?
  16. Next 19 twink

    When twinks where abolished and sent into the cold darkness of endless queue times I ranked up my rogue to 20 who i had spent over 1kg on. I'm looking to make a new twink. Is there any class you would recommend other than rogue that will be worth rolling for catacylsm? (ie:doing lots of...