Next 19 twink


When twinks where abolished and sent into the cold darkness of endless queue times I ranked up my rogue to 20 who i had spent over 1kg on.

I'm looking to make a new twink. Is there any class you would recommend other than rogue that will be worth rolling for catacylsm? (ie:doing lots of damage and fucking kids up)
Rofl thats what I was thinking too, 1k??? I spend more than that trying out enchants and shit A DAY!! OOOH YEAAH!!!!!!

Seriously tho, hunters can fuck people up
Also, if I recall, don't spellcasters kinda destroy level 10s with their lower health pool, since that dodge exploit does nothing to protect them from that?

Edit: Oh, right, forgot about that Resil insanity right now. Yeah, level 10s might just be a lot better than 19s if Bliz is okay with this.
deathwished said:
When twinks where abolished and sent into the cold darkness of endless queue times I ranked up my rogue to 20 who i had spent over 1kg on.

I'm looking to make a new twink. Is there any class you would recommend other than rogue that will be worth rolling for catacylsm? (ie:doing lots of damage and fucking kids up)

this entire post made me lol

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