Search results

  1. Looking to RECRUIT A FRIEND, Paying 4k Gold and Instance PL ! ! !

    So basically your giving someone a promo to your server? and we get no benefit but 4k gold and faster leveling? err... midsummer+35%exp bonus+5-10% depending on zones (wotlk wg buff) You'd do better off recruiting a friend, I think theres a website where you actually can refer...
  2. <Green> Alternative End-game EU Raiding

    2 tiers behind would make sense but yeah t12 vs 359 gear is pretty much what happens for any casual guild and for the first few weeks of progression in firelands. Stack priests with hymn of hope is my suggestion mwahahaha 8 priests >=D
  3. <Champions of Ulduar> 80 Wotlk raiding/pvp

    why'd you stray from your mage? God we could use a mage right now.
  4. <Green> Alternative End-game EU Raiding

    The only normal mode fight in t11 i see as an issue is nef, monstrosity, chim, and al'akir. cho'gall is a joke with good dps. Healer mana is gonna be the biggest issue. My paladin had 68k mana fresh at 85. This was back in early january where hpallys were to op. I had every 5m...
  5. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    ok your posts are becoming confusing. You hate the twink community yet you come here asking if anyones interested in 25m wotlk or your looking for a guild. 1)80% of americans yes...what makes you better than them. 2)you come on here to call them out on "bull****"... No our opinion of...
  6. <Champions of Ulduar> 80 Wotlk raiding/pvp

    Apparently people still think CoU is "currently" alive. We arent & wont be til later this year. I made this clear on our site. Please, stop applying until further notice. Refer to anomalous@draenor for the same goals as CoU. Hopefully this is the last update for awhile
  7. Looking to Begin an 80 Raiding Guild in EUROPE - Need interested people to help.

    like falkor and myself have said previously. Provide a good foundation that shows you have confidence and you gain respect. Even if you were US i'd respect this as i am now. Just good to see some EU 80 guilds floatin around
  8. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    alright im done here... 1) stupid white trash? have you looked at 80% of america? lol 2) You hate the twink community yet you have almost 200 posts on a website named twinkinfo? I have to restrain myself from "flaming" you by leaving this thread. Have a nice evening...
  9. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    i go to a resturaunt about once a month owned by someone who is 22 and became the manager at 19 (diff between owner & mngr yes). I agree young mature people are few & far between but if a guild can stand up for almost 3 months straight with full activity it makes you wonder...not in an offensive...
  10. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    lol have a sense of humor. I know its not mr, geez laugh a lil. Your last part confused me though? Was it aimed at me, the guild, or the guild leader? So its a crime to lead a guild at any age thats not above 21? pretty shallow if you ask me. for the record im 19, and people under the age...
  11. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    so im a bad person for not sharing a guild name? Guess you dont want to join a 25m guild as bad as you portray. Guess i should've mentioned this earlier. Anomalous intends to raid 25m at some point. As any fresh guild it takes a bit of time to reach a goal of sustaining an active reliable 25m...
  12. Looking to Begin an 80 Raiding Guild in EUROPE - Need interested people to help.

    and u guys say i hijack? btw would like to point out CoU is not currently raiding but sometime later in 2011 we will for the horde lovers and/or ally haters
  13. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    yeah its pretty much like saying mr. voldemort... no i just think if they wanted people from TI they'd post here. Like i said if you want it bad enough you'll find it.
  14. <Green> Alternative End-game EU Raiding

    almost seems impossible in heroic. but with new 4.2 nerfs to normal should be considerably easier. Wut u gonna do with the drops though? gl with firelands. dont see it getting any greens that improve over whats already available
  15. 25 player wotlk guild(s)?

    my guess is gear above the actual tier. There is only 1 guild that raids 80 content 25m and i wont mention its name. No its not anomalous and im not trying to ruin they're recruitment. Trust me they have more than enough people. Another reason is because, yes they blast through content with 277+...
  16. Looking to Begin an 80 Raiding Guild in EUROPE - Need interested people to help.

    first lul of my morning lul. no but really its nice to finally see an eu guild make itself public. besides why is it bad that i try to promote a centralized location for US 80 guilds? makes the experience so much better & authentic
  17. Anomalous 80 PvE Draenor - Update Thread

    Anomalous has just lost its last 80 priest for unkown reasons. We had a shadow priest lost in our incident with ilevel confusion, then another decided 80 content wasnt the thing for him, then our last one has unknown reasons. NO we are not dying we are just suffering a recruitment loss and...
  18. 80 Twink Guild/Group forming on Darkspear-US

    Your point is about as valid as parking at a grocery store. When you go to walmart and you see a parking spot you consider it yours first cause you saw it first right? Then someone else parks there? Thats about as valid as it is, I didnt take anyones members. I just pointed out that if you want...
  19. 80 Twink Guild/Group forming on Darkspear-US

    Basically I'm gonna put it like this If you want to raid with current gear and actually have a challenge in naxx/uld/toc/icc normals with current gear (ilevel 200 vs kt 10m, or 219 ilevel vs yogg saron etc) then join anomalous but if you are into overpowering content with cata gear, icc...
  20. 80 Twink Guild/Group forming on Darkspear-US

    Its not necessarily about difficulty. If it was then we wouldnt be arguing about 80 content and be arguing about 85 hc content. Its about the experience. Some didnt get to enjoy it without over gearing it (251 gear vs naxx 10m). Some just liked it for the enviorment, maybe the way the gear...