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  1. Reasons to roll Mules

    I've been debating about rolling an alliance druid/rogue to check the chests in Wetlands faster. Alliance have fps right near the chests and don't get attacked by the griffin master by the north one. Figured druid/rogue could stealth through all the enemies faster than killing them.
  2. Holy Crit Azuremyst

    Ignoring a large portion of this thread. I'll agree with Klinda, Somfas is a cool guy. F2p all remember that awesome post he did in the 24 hunter to look out for-thread. Having seen him from both sides, he actually doesn't gy camp much. If you hate him, roll with him on horde and actually...
  3. What scores matter to you? & Why?

    I don't generally look at score board for anything useful. If a well known gy camping 24 is on my team, I try to ensure that I get the most honor on my team (even though I don't need it). If there is no one with more health than me, I will sometimes look at our top dps and just heal them. If...
  4. Things that make you /facepalm

    I agree on that one Kearbear. Rogues and druids that get gy farmed. One druid said that he forgot to train stealth When someone BoPs me when I have no intention of getting the flag and have myself clearly marked as heals. 24 Holy pallies who never heal, not even themselves When someone...
  5. How long have you played WoW for? (f2p related)

    Late BC to a bit after Ulduuar. Rolled on Vashj as it was what came up recommended. Biggest mistake rolling Alliance on one of the worst pvp-Horde favored servers in a awful Bg group. Only had control of pvp places if it was the middle of the night. Became the best healer on my server...
  6. QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Man, this thread dropped to the third page. Anyway, can't sleep and was thinking about this: anyone know if using flametongue totem before casting earth shield still increases the healing done of it? (haven't heard anyone mention this since like Wrath)
  7. Metro is retiring

    I feel so torn by this, lol. Sad to see you go as you are so funny/helpful/positive in bgs.
  8. Mouseover healing help please

    Thank you all for your insights! A lot of useful things to consider. And special thanks to Bwappo as this was precisely the kind of macro I was needing but couldn't find.
  9. Mouseover healing help please

    Been a lurker for a while and have finally reached the point where I have a question. I'm looking for some assistance in figuring out mouseover healing. I've never needed mouseover macros before as I used to play a shaman at end game (and you always have plenty of time while casting to pick...