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  1. Immo-Melee Hunter

    Thanks :D And yeah, love it when the guy freaks out and starts fooling around with his s key :)
  2. Immo-Melee Hunter

    I'm still finding delays when I try that. Noticed it when kiting actually, figured I could just stop on 'swing' timer and get an instant shot, but my guy has to do his whole animation it seems. Could be just lag, I play from a long way away, but I definitely have to stop moving for longer than...
  3. Immo-Melee Hunter

    Or better geared. It's pretty simple math tbh, if you're in a short range fight, arcane/multi, run in to take a swipe with mongoose/raptor, back out to take advantage of your ranged cooldowns, repeat. Not advisable if you're at long range as you'll give up too many autoshots when closing, but...
  4. Duels...

    Duels show how good you are at duelling. Raids show how good you are at raiding. Arenas show how good you are at arenas. So on. From when I very first started playing wow there was a shaman who was undisputedly the best shaman duelist on the server. He taught me tricks that would have taken...
  5. Is anyone...

    To be honest, when you play from australia, all of pvp is a lag test :P I jumped 200 arena rating when my latency dropped by 100-150ms. The fact that WAR had oceanic servers based out here is the reason I only just started playing WoW again 4-6 weeks ago. You're right though, duels are good...
  6. Is anyone...

    I've never duelled him, and not to take anything away from you, but I don't rate much by duels. I just see him do things that only 2-3 other rogues on the entire battlegroup are able to. It probably has something to do with the fact that we think in similar ways. If I get in a game with...
  7. Is anyone...

    The World of Warcraft Armory Is a very good rogue.
  8. Arena Teams , whats the best?

    Anyone? What's shaman/lock weaknesses?
  9. Two Handed Warrior/Pally Weapon Comparisons and Proc Rates.

    White damage doesn't seem to verify that night reaver can proc off fiery or vice versa. How did you determine that? I only ask because there's a common combat log error with proc events occuring before the hit that procs them on occasion. People kept posting screenshots of windfury...
  10. Two Handed Warrior/Pally Weapon Comparisons and Proc Rates.

    Sorry double post, see below.
  11. Arena Teams , whats the best?

    Been waiting for someone to mention this. Seems really good, thinking of making a sham for it. What would you say it loses to?
  12. Keybinding Help

    You really just have to find what works for you. I like to keep w bound to forward, a and d to strafe, and all my abilities go around them. For example 1,2,3,q,e,s for abilities you use a lot or need to be fast on. Obviously that's a right handed set up, but I'm sure you're bright enough to...
  13. Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

    Everyone's got an opinion dude. I for sure played for a long time before resil (hell even my bank alt is a senior sergeant) and I think resilience improved pvp. 60 pvp really had turned into a contest of who was quicker to pop their cooldowns. That's the thing about opinions :)
  14. Two Handed Warrior/Pally Weapon Comparisons and Proc Rates.

    Seems really odd for a proc to still be proccing off a proc. More likely to be a combat log error. How did you confirm that it can? Plus yeah, those damage per hit bonuses are included in the weapon dps, so you'd need to deduct them from the pre armor section of your calculation.
  15. Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

    Not a big deal either way. I'd happily do 10v10s where anything goes and just as happily do 10v10s where the consumable rules followed arena limitations. If those guys would rather 10v10 you without consumables, you can beat them on the same terms, or crutch on pots they're not using. Your...
  16. Priest armor experiment

    10-19 is an especially interesting case for it though, as magic damage is a long way from the major cause of death. Warlocks are pretty devastating in terms of pressure, but the physical damage dealers have better burst and single target dps, making physical mitigation very effective. I just...
  17. Priest armor experiment

    This bring back memories :D Yes, mitigation has diminishing returns, armor does not. I tried to show why quickly this morning. You get less mitigation per point of armor as your mitigation gets higher, because the mitigation becomes worth more. You can see that in the example I provided...
  18. Priest armor experiment

    o.0 Yeah, really. 150 armor is over 5% less physical damage taken. Close to 7% I think but I just woke up and am pretty hazy right now. I'll post some math later if you like. Obviously the character sheet is going to read different amounts depending on how much armour you already have...
  19. Priest armor experiment

    Yeah I have never played a 19 priest so have no idea how heavy they are on the mana usage. When I did my first pass I kinda had the suspicion that 950 mana or whatever I'd ended up with was gonna be a little too low.... so i swapped in the pants belt and bracers for the 'of healing' greens I had...
  20. hit gear on rogues

    Yep, elixir of accuracy looks like the best option for your battle elixir if you're going to be using them, allowing you to have a gearset with just 1 hit rating for wsg. When you have a look at stuff like spidersilk cloak and deviate belt though, they're clearly the best items in the slot...