Priest armor experiment

i was looking at priest stuff the other day for fun, and thought up a fun idea:

This is inner fire at 19:

Add in

Considering inner fire is not hard to keep up and is no longer dispelable, coupled with the common knowlage that hunters and rogues are a major pain in the ass, maybe this would work for those solo queing priests out there?

Spec would be full disc:
for the purpose of being as annoying and hard to kill as possible. You'll have almost as much armor as a palli or a warr without their shield on.

On top of that, since hp is not as important you have some flexibility on gear. You can afford to get more int gear and be that tank of a healer you always wanted to be, and throw on a stam set and be a beastly fc if the mood so strikes you.


Edit: link isnt working for some reason, hang on a bit.

Edit2:are the links working because they're not showing up for me :/
I've been thinking the exact same thing for a couple days. You could hit about 35% mitigation. If you were horde you could also hit 6-7% crit chance reduction and 13-14% crit damage reduction.

I was thinking 8/2/0.
Can't open armory at work, but if I recall correctly one of the priests in the "Of the Horde/ Of the Alliance" thread has a talent build like you suggest (think it's Laycee, not 100% sure).

I have been using the talent that stops 30% fears, stuns etc (forget name now and can't check, first top left talent anyhow ;p). Allso a talent not much used but very usefull (mainly as FC).
Ymir said:
Here's one look at it, mostly sacrificing stamina for sp/resil: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Keep in mind that rum and fort would make the health pool 1100, and inner fire would make the armor 1000-1050.

i cant use that, so id make these changes:

Talbar mantle

Engineers Cloak w/ +70 armor

Treebark w +stats or Absorbtion

mindthrust bracers w/int

Black widow band

AGM instead of DEotB

Dignified Headmasters Charge

That will up your int pool to close to 1.8-2k, and drop your hp around 800-900. It seems low, but remember you have ALOT more damage reduction than before with around ~900 armor (as opposed to 200) so you will definitly notice yourself taking less damage.
Grunge said:
i cant use that, so id make these changes:

Talbar mantle

Engineers Cloak w/ +70 armor

Treebark w +stats or Absorbtion

mindthrust bracers w/int

Black widow band

AGM instead of DEotB

Dignified Headmasters Charge

That will up your int pool to close to 1.8-2k, and drop your hp around 800-900. It seems low, but remember you have ALOT more damage reduction than before with around ~900 armor (as opposed to 200) so you will definitly notice yourself taking less damage.

Yeah I have never played a 19 priest so have no idea how heavy they are on the mana usage. When I did my first pass I kinda had the suspicion that 950 mana or whatever I'd ended up with was gonna be a little too low.... so i swapped in the pants belt and bracers for the 'of healing' greens I had in there. 1300 still too low you think?

I just loved the idea of 35% mitigation and 13% crit damage reduction on a priest with massive spellpower. True discipline priest style, he would never really need to cast anything but renew and pws on himself until half your team was on him.

I would have to say it's an idea definitely worth exploring, whatever way you ended up gearing.
They are fun as hell and actually do amazing. I redid mine about 6 weeks ago mainly because I sucked balls as a healer and hated to delete another in a long line of 19s so figured I would go for survival and dps. With only the BoA shoulders and no AGMs or other fancy badge toys ,I cruise at 1117 armor ( 35.66 damage mitigated ), 100 spellpower, 1092 HP with rum and 1540 mana. It's so fun when joe blow rogue runs up to you and see his SS hitting you for far less then he expected... you can almost feel the virtual "wtf" on their face every time.

What's amazing is the damage potential - I have been either close or above most others dps wise in numerous games - and that's mixed in with flag caps and flag returns - not mindless HK farming. Crazy game I was in last week or so- I ended up at almost 70k damage with a whopping 17 deaths - had such a blast in that game. There have been a few times here and there where mana got me into trouble - but overall not terribly bad. You'll have fun with it for sure :D
Looks interesting as hell, I might have to revamp my priest. I didn't realize resil scaled so well with level... I was going to try an insane resil build at 29 on a prot warrior but I never went through with it because I figured it didn't scale.
If only priest had a way around conc, hstring and wclip they would be very good fc's.

Heck, we make pretty good pinch fc's anyway, we can dispel all casted snares, even spider web.
Visindyr said:
Really guys? Three talent points for 150 armor?


Yeah, really.

150 armor is over 5% less physical damage taken. Close to 7% I think but I just woke up and am pretty hazy right now. I'll post some math later if you like.

Obviously the character sheet is going to read different amounts depending on how much armour you already have, but this is why tanks say mitigation scales, armor doesn't.

Say you have 25% mitigation. You take 75 damage out of every 100. Now you pump your mitigation to 50%. You now take 50 damage out of every 100. You're not taking 25% less damage than you were before, because 50 is not 75% of 75. You're taking 33% less. Mitigation on the character sheet increases more slowly as you get more of it, because the value of it increases.

That's about is in depth as I can get right now, got an appointment, post something more relevant later if you're interested.

However even if it was only the 4-5% reduction that shows as mitigation on the character sheet, since 90% of the damage you're probably taking is physical, I'd say yeah, 3 talent points for 5% reduced damage would be worth speccing for, especially considering the options. It's just that it's actually better than that.
Ymir said:

Yeah, really.

150 armor is over 5% less physical damage taken. Close to 7% I think but I just woke up and am pretty hazy right now. I'll post some math later if you like.

Obviously the character sheet is going to read different amounts depending on how much armour you already have, but this is why tanks say mitigation scales, armor doesn't.

Say you have 25% mitigation. You take 75 damage out of every 100. Now you pump your mitigation to 50%. You now take 50 damage out of every 100. You're not taking 25% less damage than you were before, because 50 is not 75% of 75. You're taking 33% less. Mitigation on the character sheet increases more slowly as you get more of it, because the value of it increases.

That's about is in depth as I can get right now, got an appointment, post something more relevant later if you're interested.

However even if it was only the 4-5% reduction that shows as mitigation on the character sheet, since 90% of the damage you're probably taking is physical, I'd say yeah, 3 talent points for 5% reduced damage would be worth speccing for, especially considering the options. It's just that it's actually better than that.

The more armor you have, the less damage reduction you get per point. You'll need to show me some character sheets to show how much 150 armor actually reduces, starting from a base of 800 armor or so.
Visindyr said:
The more armor you have, the less damage reduction you get per point. You'll need to show me some character sheets to show how much 150 armor actually reduces, starting from a base of 800 armor or so.

This bring back memories :D

Yes, mitigation has diminishing returns, armor does not. I tried to show why quickly this morning. You get less mitigation per point of armor as your mitigation gets higher, because the mitigation becomes worth more.

You can see that in the example I provided. Tanks used to call it 'time-to-live'. I'll use either end of the scale to try to demonstrate more clearly.

Say you have 0% mitigation and someone is hitting you for 100 damage. You take 100 damage per swing.

Now you add enough armor to reach 1% mitigation. You're being hit for 99 damage per swing. Adding 1% mitigation means you're taking 1% less damage.

Pretty straightforward. Now comes the second part of the example.

Say you have 98% mitigation and someone is hitting you for 100 damage. You take 2 damage per swing.

Then you add enough armor to reach 99% mitigation. You take 1 damage per swing. It will now take him twice as long to kill you. This time, adding 1% mitigation has halved the amount of damage you are taking.

That's why you get less mitigation per point of armor at higher numbers.

800 armor at level 19 = 28.41% mitigation. 950 armor = 32.04%. Now we can't just look at those numbers or we will end up thinking it's a 12% increase (32.04 ~ 1.12 times 28.41). We have to look at it in terms of damage taken.

28.41% mitigation means you take 71.59% of incoming damage.

32.04% mitigation means you take 67.96% of incoming damage.

71.59 is 105.34% of 67.96. Going from 800 to 950 armor means your character sheet displays 3.63% higher mitigation, and that you take 5.34% less damage from physical attacks.

The 3.63% number is still relevant as that is how much mana efficiency you gain when you self heal, due to taking less damage. The 5.34% is how much you gain in terms of time-to-live, or resistance to burst damage.

In other words, at 800 armor and 1k health, vs physical damage only, adding 150 armor is equivalent to adding 5.34 stamina, and reduces the amount of healing you need by 3.63% (which is a pretty massive gain in terms of self healing efficiency). I'd say that's worth 3 talent points.

It certainly seems viable, especially in combination with some resilience, you become very resistant to burst damage and will really only die to going oom. However you also gain healing efficiency so the blue bar doesn't run out so fast, something that stacking stamina doesn't provide.

Efficient healing + burst resistance. It's been proven a devastating combination in end game pvp, it's why people wear resilience.
I've tested it out on the PTR (with the free Glyph Vendor in Dalaran) on my 19 Priest, and it's definitely not viable imo.
it all depends on what is viable to you !

for my part it has always been.

for my job as a healer was to try and stay alive while i kept healing others, if i went OOM i get killed, run back and start over again ! doing that wins BG not the scoreboard, who checks the scoreboard anyway. for a priest even in high end game, survival is way more important then getting out of CC. let's say you are healing mid field. you'll have a lot of people on you, the more you resist, the more damage your companions will be able to dish out in your favor. and in PUG people are far more inclined to protect their healers then they are to protect their FCs... for healers are quite rare to begin with and it surely will determine the game !

so yeah i think stamina > armor and ressilience all together.

of course its not gonna be effective if you start DPSing instead of healing.

this build is for healers, not nukers.
Wow mainly we talk about effective HP with mail wearers but this is very intresting. Pious legwraps are probably a must
here is a link to an effective HP calculator, kinda fun to play around with if your into armor.

World of Warcraft Effective Health Calculator

In general stamina is better than armor due to magic damage taken but if you can't stack stamina any higher try stacking some armor on top of it.
Ymir said:
Yes, mitigation has diminishing returns, armor does not. I tried to show why quickly this morning. You get less mitigation per point of armor as your mitigation gets higher, because the mitigation becomes worth more.

This is true, but most twinks don't understand it, no matter how good you try to explain it.

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