Two Handed Warrior/Pally Weapon Comparisons and Proc Rates.

Comparisons and Proc Rates.

Some research I was doing for two handed warrior weapons for the 19 bracket.

My main goal was to take into account some tested proc rate and the existence of armor values.

I am not the greatest 19 twink warrior, I roll mostly twinks now as I just cannot start the grind again.

Any corrections please post.

The follow is submitted for your reading pleasure.

If you don’t want to read the text…

Smites Hammer

16 Adj Dps

56 Adj Average damage

129.72 Adj. Max Critical

Glacial Stone

17 Adj Dps

61 Adj Average damage

136.5 Adj Max Critical (no proc)

211.6 Adj Max Critical (with proc)

Runic Darkblade

18 Adj Dps

59 Adj Average damage

120.4 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

155.4 Adj Max Critical (proc)

Seraph's Strike

16.1 Adj Dps

51.9 Adj Average damage

122.4 Adj. Max Critical

Night Reaver

16.86 Adj Dps

55.87 Adj Average damage

120 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

212 Adj Max Critical (proc)

Totals with Shadowfang and Deadskull shield:

(14.55 +1.01) = 15.56 Adj Dps

40.2 Adj Average damage

88.5 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

118.5 Adj Max Critical (proc)

Some assumptions.

Targets have a 25% reduction in Physical damage via armor- This is about the armor level of a clothie twink.

10% Critical Rate for Physical Damage

.28% Critical rate for Procs based on Wowwiki’s Spell Proc rates

(note* officially Warriors and Rogues have a 0% spell critical rating, but the value is used for 1 warrior attack and rogue’s poisons, my testing indicates it is used for weapons procs as well) * Formula included below the article.

Adj. Values take into account Armor and average proc values (if the weapon has one). As procs bypass armor and resistance at 19 is very rare, I wanted to see an example of how much a proc is worth based on a standard armor value.

*As armor increases the distance between the weapons with procs and the withouts increases a very fast.

For testing proc rates I used a parser that only counts hits.

I understand the hit table that WOW uses, but I wanted real world results against a 19 twink. ie.. what can I expect to actually get when I swing the thing.

When fighting a Rogue or Hunter going with "sword and board" is understandable.

It is not necessary in my experience unless the Rogue has more HP than you or the hunter got the drop and you dont have a chance to limit his kiteing.

Smite's Mighty Hammer

Binds when picked up

Two-Hand Mace

55 - 83 Damage Speed 3.50

(19.7 damage per second)

+11 Strength

+4 Agility

Durability 80 / 80

Requires Level 18

Dropped off Mr. Smite in Dead Mines.

The weapon has a very nice Strength and Agility Bonus, does decent damage and has a high top end.

Lets crunch the numbers…

The 11 strenghth adds about 1.5 dps.

The 4 agility adds about .5 critical or about 1% damage.

19.7 base dps + 1.5dps(str) + 1%dps(agil) = 24.412dps *.75%(armor)=16.059dps

Average White Damage- 74.9 *.75%(armor)=56.1 damage

Critical Max – 172.96 *.75%(armor) = 129.72 damage


16 Adj Dps

56 Adj Average damage

129.72 Adj. Max Critical

Glacial Stone

Binds when picked up

Two-Hand Mace

60 - 91 Damage Speed 3.60

(21.0 damage per second)

Durability 85 / 85

Chance on hit: Blasts a target for 75 Frost damage.

Alliance only weapon.

It has a very nice proc and is very slow, In short a great Two Handed warrior weapon.


After beating on an alt in what seems like forever and parsing the data it has been shown that the proc is 1ppm. I used a sample of 1,000 hits ignoring all misses. I do not feel a larger sample will provide different results. Try if you like.

The proc at 1ppm = 75 damage or 1.25 dps

21 base dps + 1.25dps(proc) =22.25dps

But the proc ignores armor so

21 *.75%(armor)=15.75dps + 1.25(proc) = 17dps

Average White Damage- 75.5 *.75%(armor)=56.62 damage +4.51(proc)=61.11 damage

Critical Max –182 *.75%(armor) = 136.5 damage +75(proc)=211.6 damage


17 Adj Dps

61 Adj Average damage

136.5 Adj Max Critical (no proc)

211.6 Adj Max Critical (with proc)

Runic Darkblade

Binds when picked up

Two-Hand Sword

57 - 86 Damage Speed 3.30

(21.7 damage per second)

Durability 85 / 85

Chance on hit: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy causing 35 Shadow damage.

This horde only weapon is the result of a very long quest chain near Tarren Mill.

The weapon itself has the best base DPS, and a proc that less than half the Glacial Stone Proc above.

But 1,000 hits produced a proc rate of 3ppm. I also confirmed that the proc will proc off of Fiery and Lifesteal procs. Test it yourself if you like.


The proc at 3ppm = 105 damage or 1.75 dps

21.7 base dps + 1.75dps(proc) =23.45dps

But the proc ignores armor so

21.7 *.75%(armor)=16.27dps + 1.75(proc) = 18.48dps

Average White Damage- 71.5 *.75%(armor)=53.62 damage +5.7(proc)=59.32 damage

Critical Max –172 *.75%(armor) = 120.4 damage +35(proc)=155.4 damage


18 Adj Dps

59 Adj Average damage

120.4 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

155.4 Adj Max Critical (proc)

Seraph's Strike

Binds when picked up

Two-Hand Sword

54 - 81 Damage Speed 3.20

(21.1 damage per second)

+3 Strength

+10 Spirit

Not as well known of a weapon choice. Towers can be fun.

The 3 strength adds about .4 dps.

21.1 base dps + .4dps(str) = 21.5dps *.75%(armor)=16.125dps

Average White Damage- 67.5 *.75%(armor)+ 1.28(str)=51.9 damage

Critical Max – 163.2 *.75%(armor) = 122.4 damage


16.1 Adj Dps

51.9 Adj Average damage

122.4 Adj. Max Critical

Night Reaver

Binds when equipped

Two-Hand Axe

52 - 78 Damage Speed 3.30

+1 - 5 Shadow Damage

(20.6 damage per second)

Durability 80 / 80

Requires Level 18

Chance on hit: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy causing 60 to 90 Shadow damage.

A random zone drop in SFK. The most popular Horde warrior twink weapon.

But 1,000 hits produced a proc rate of 1ppm. The + 1-5 shadow damage is a proc per hit bonus.

Nice weapon.


The per hit proc is avg 3. Or .16dps

The proc at 1ppm =75 damage or 1.25 dps

20.6 base dps +.16 (avg per hit proc) 1.25dps(proc) =24.85dps

But the procs ignores armor so

20.6 *.75%(armor)=15.45dps +.16 (avg per hit proc) + 1.25(proc) =16.86 dps

Average White Damage- 65 *.75%(armor)=48.75 damage +3(avg proc per hit)+4.12(proc)=55.87 damage

Critical Max –156 *.75%(armor) = 117 damage +5(proc per hit) + 90(proc)=212 damage


16.86 Adj Dps

55.87 Adj Average damage

120 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

212 Adj Max Critical (proc)


Binds when equipped


29 - 55 Damage Speed 2.70

+4 - 8 Shadow Damage

(17.8 damage per second)

Durability 75 / 75

Requires Level 19

Chance on hit: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy causing 30 Shadow damage.

A random zone drop in SFK. The most popular twink weapon for Melee classes.

But 1,000 hits produced a proc rate of 2 ppm. The + 4-8 shadow damage is a proc per hit bonus.

Nice weapon.


The per hit proc is avg 6. Or .2dps

The proc at 2ppm =60 damage or 1dps

17.8 base dps +.2 (avg per hit proc)+ 1dps(proc) =19dps

But the procs ignores armor so

17.8 *.75%(armor)=13.35dps +.2 (avg per hit proc) + 1(proc) =14.55 dps

Average White Damage- 42 *.75%(armor)=31.50 damage +6(avg proc per hit)+2.7(proc)=40.2 damage

Critical Max –110 *.75%(armor) = 82.5 damage +6(proc per hit) + 30(proc)=118.5damage


14.55 Adj Dps

40.2 Adj Average damage

88.5 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

118.5 Adj Max Critical (proc)

Deadskull Shield

Binds when picked up

Off Hand Shield

611 Armor

12 Block

+1 Strength

+7 Stamina

Durability 85 / 85

Felsteel spike 26 – 38 damage per block avg 32

With a 5% chance to block :

Attacker speed 1.5 = 40 attacks per minutes 5% blocked = 2 attacks for 32 damage each or 64 total/60 secs = 1.06dps

Totals with Shadowfang and Deadskull shield:

(14.55 +1.01) = 15.56 Adj Dps

40.2 Adj Average damage

88.5 Adj Max Critcal (no proc)

118.5 Adj Max Critical (proc)

PPM = Procs Per Minute

Spell Critical Rate (SCR) = (Intellect/80) + (Spell Critical Strike Rating/22.08) + Class Specific Constant = .28% For my 19 Twink Brovine. The difference between warriors of other classes will be negligible.

Critical Proc Value (CPV) = Max Proc Value * 1.5

Critical Procs Per Minute Value (CPPMV) = CPV * SCR

Absolute Proc Damage Value = ((PPM-SCR) * Avg. Proc) + ((Max Proc * 1.5)*SCR) - Resistance %)

Absolute Proc Damage Per Second Value (APDPSV) = APDV/60


Glacial Stone

Binds when picked up

Two-Hand Mace

60 - 91 Damage Speed 3.60

(21.0 damage per second)

Durability 85 / 85

Chance on hit: Blasts a target for 75 Frost damage

PPM = 1

SCR = .28

CPV = 75 * 1.5 = 112.5

CPPMV = 112.5*.28=31.5

APDV = ((1-.28)*75) + (150 * .28) = 96

APDPSV = 96/60 = 1.6dps
As an FYI, unless they changed it, for as long as I can remember, all weapons with 'internal' proc rates tend to have a 5% chance-per-swing to proc; As weapons with internal procs existed before chants such as Crusader introduced the PPM system.

The Glacial Stone/Shdowfang proc rate listed is about 5%, but the Runic Darkblade is a little off. I would suggest that perhaps this is occurring because of the "proc will proc off of Fiery and Lifesteal procs" situation. Did you try testing its PPM without Fiery/LS on the weapon?

It seems bizzare that only one weapon would have the proc coming from firey/ls procs and the others dont.
darzk said:
It seems bizzare that only one weapon would have the proc coming from firey/ls procs and the others dont.

It's not bizarre, it's because it's horde only...
How do you know weapon procs are ppm? And what do you mean by x str adds aout x dps? is this in testing on a twink or something because 14 ap is 1 dps. ALso for shadowfang: 6/2.7 is 2.22 so the per hit shadow damage is actually 2.22 dps but its accounted for already anyway. It only has to be recalculated if you stack haste. This goes for night reaver as well. Also, what is the assumed ap here? SLower weapons scale significantly better with more ap
Seems really odd for a proc to still be proccing off a proc. More likely to be a combat log error. How did you confirm that it can?

Plus yeah, those damage per hit bonuses are included in the weapon dps, so you'd need to deduct them from the pre armor section of your calculation.
alliance i got the glacial horde i use the darkblade, personally, ive hit for 501 with the stone. thats my weapon of choice.
tiggis said:
All Tests were performed on a naked Tauren all attacks from behind -white damage.

White damage doesn't seem to verify that night reaver can proc off fiery or vice versa. How did you determine that?

I only ask because there's a common combat log error with proc events occuring before the hit that procs them on occasion.

People kept posting screenshots of windfury proccing windfury for literally years after it was changed.

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