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  1. Horde shaman or Alliance shaman?

    Horde. Because they are better. Tauren are cute.
  2. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    +5 hit rating helps so much on my other lvl10s, if i switch to my stam boots i miss all the damned time.
  3. Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

    @canihascookie Yer mage is looking super awsome. I think i am gonna start on a lock as soon as my pally starts coming along.
  4. 10 Huntard balance set

    Yes, Spiders.
  5. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    Spider for BG. Bat for arena. or so i hear.
  6. 10 Huntard balance set

    Really? I think he would look badass, stomping the competition in his evening wear. HIYA! roflmao. Sorry i crack me up sometimes.
  7. 10 Huntard balance set

    you could also go Haliscan Jacket w/ +150 health. That is like 45 armor and +15 stam. I guess you could also do +6 to all stats as well.
  8. @10's, luv.

    This is a damned good one.
  9. @10's, luv.

    True. 2000 heals over 8 sec. has never let me down.
  10. @10's, luv.

    225 gathering and 150 for the other skills. You can also get GM fishing as well.
  11. So I'm Torn

    I would say a Pally for the buffs, heals and psuedotankiosity.
  12. @10's, luv.

    The World of Warcraft Armory like i said she is still in the works. I have been using Toasted Smorc - Item - World of Warcraft, they help alot.
  13. @10's, luv.

    @spooksters so far my lock is cool, she is a little weak right now as i like to do bg's while working on getting chants and gear. Still manage to hit the top 5 for damage most of the time. Plus fear spam is fun. :P
  14. @10's, luv.

    right now i have a 10 hunter and 10 warlock with a shammy and pally in the works.
  15. @10's, luv.

    He is currently 73, i think i am gonna park him at 74 for awhile and beat the heck out of 79s. :)
  16. @10's, luv.

    TBH, i only started playing post TBC, so i really do not have any ground to speak of when it comes to the "glory days" of twinking, all i know is i have fun playing my 10's. I am also working on a lvl 74 UD rogue. I guess i like the underdogs. :)
  17. @10's, luv.

    what do you not get? I am more then happy to explain.
  18. @10's, luv.

    /nod lol10characters
  19. @10's, luv.

    Everybody who are going to be making 10's, if you have not had one i just wanted to let you know that terribad 19's will grief you all to hell. The best way to deal with them is to just be better. I am only writing this as my IRL GF got all kinds of hell from 2 19 rogues today who were just...
  20. 10 Twink Pally

    i have one of those already. :p He is silly fun to play.