Search results

  1. Keybindings and moving for 20-24 twinks!

    It already happened.
  2. New to the Bracket

    To premade other 24s.
  3. Now & come MOP: Mage VS Warlock

    Yeah.. No doubt Mage > Lock
  4. 24 Arms Warrior

    I knew I could.
  5. 24 Arms Warrior

    <Controlled Chaos>
  6. Now & come MOP: Mage VS Warlock

    I play a 24 warlock and I absolutely love the class but unfortunately warlocks cant compete against mages and when MoP comes out they wont even be comparable.
  7. Hotshot Pilot's Gloves

    10:27 PM - Hotshots for sale 12:22 AM - Swag is BiS
  8. The Hit list

  9. Consumables in a Premade

    I'm confused as to how a speed pot would catch a druid in cheetah using darkflight. Speed Potions give 50% increased speed, bringing your total up to 150% speed, now this buff does not stack with other movement increasing buff, so with a speed pot, you're running at 150% final. Now a worgen...
  10. saturday 14th 10pm warsong gulch night!

    I'm excited for tonight :) - Waffle @ Spirestone - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
  11. US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    re: [19] Raw Talent (H) Recruitment Bump Three Loco (Andy Milonakis, Dirt Nasty, Riff Raff) - We Are Farmers - YouTube
  12. 68!!! A new BC Twink Raiding Project!!! WE NEED YOU!!!

    I'm making a 69 hunter and some of my guildies are making DKs, paladins and shamans so PM me if yall want to BG or do a raid or w/e
  13. Rate my warlock & paladin!

    Warlock I have the BOA cloak/2nd agm in bags... I prefer to use my spell pen set most of the time. Paladin I constantly switch between holy and ret
  14. tichondrius equivalent for the horde side?

    Illidan is basicly the horde version of tichondrius. Unfortunetly, realms start becoming high population because the good pvp guilds attract bads...
  15. IDEA for replacing Heirlooms

    Wouldn't this just make twink brackets even more bursty?
  16. Which BG do you wish 20-24 could play?

    AV would never pop... just pointing that out
  17. [24] <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone - Alliance, US

    Glad to announce we have found our priest! A well established player from the 19 bracket, welcome DCM! Recruitment for the core team is now closed, however we are always looking for more members interested in doing daily groups and wargames!